Quote Originally Posted by Panicattacka View Post
I think the growing anti-vax movement is part of something much deeper and wider that goes back decades. Ever since JFK's assassination, the lies of the Vietnam War and Watergate, there's been growing distrust in Western countries about elites, leaders, institutions, etc. Look at the massive growth in conspiracy theories since the 1960s. 9/11 and the dubious Iraq War of 2003 only added fuel to the fire. Basically nobody trusts anyone anymore, and the rise of the internet and social media has only increased the paranoia.
I think you've hit the nail on the head there Panicattacka.

I think there's far too many know-it-alls in today's society, exacerbated by the Internet and social media and those who will just believe any load of old pony, regardless of whether it's true or false. I mean, look at all the big global kerfuffle over toilet rolls back in March due to some imbecille down under posting misinformation online about (false) shortages with possible anti- China agendas added to the mix!