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Thread: Car windscreen washer fluid

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Car windscreen washer fluid

    Hi all,

    Been doing well lately but had a massive issue yesterday.

    I was leaning into my car putting shopping bags in and somehow managed to press down the windscreen washer button which meant is squirted hard in to my face for about 4-5 seconds. I quickly closed my eyes and washed my eyes with water for 2 minutes. Didn't feel any soreness in my eyes or have any real symptoms however I then googled and was physically sick with worry. I don't think any went in my mouth but would have been minimal as with eyes. I called 111 and a lovely lady put my mind at ease for a bit. She asked if I washed my eyes out which I quickly did and said there is minimal amount of stuff that has an effect in the screenwash stuff. She told me to not worry and if I get any itchiness to was out. I came home and washed my eyes for 10 minutes in the shower and hardly slept. My eye are a bit itchy feeling at times but maybe where I washed them and keep thinking about them. There has been no redness or blurry vision but I just don't know why Google would say it causes blindness. Would symptoms happen straight away if it was severe? For example, it's been 14 hours with no real symptoms so surely that's a good thing! So anxious.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Car windscreen washer fluid

    Now we all know Google is going to tell you the worst case scenario, as you have had no side effects upto now l would say your fine, if something was to happen it would of by now stop worrying xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Car windscreen washer fluid

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Car windscreen washer fluid

    I stupidly tested the stuff on my hands to see if there was a reaction but there was no redness.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Car windscreen washer fluid

    Didn't feel any soreness in my eyes or have any real symptoms however I then googled and was physically sick with worry
    This.... what does this tell you?
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Car windscreen washer fluid

    You'll be fine - the link you found from the EC shows you why. At least it's not the stuff you could buy forty years ago that had ammonia in it!

    Whilst not going looking for it myself, the "blindness" thing probably comes from those drinking the stuff when it had far more methanol in it than it does now. It's also worth noting that different standards apply around the world for products so your Google search can be rendered invalid by that: a metal polish I use has a varying composition depending on where it is sold, similarly a paint stripper now only deemed suitable for professional use within the EU because of the multiple hazards it presents remains freely available to the DIY user in Australia and the US.

    The screenwash that I put in my car is made by the manufacturer so whilst reassuringly expensive, I know it's compliant with the EC standard and doesn't have any crap in it that once promoted the growth of *something* that left me with the joyous smell of rotten eggs when I washed the screen on my car! That turned into a major job to get rid of but since then, only the good stuff.

    You'll be fine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Car windscreen washer fluid

    Thank you so much both. Just seen that the stuff did not have Methanol in it after all that, just Ethanol and Isopropanol. Feel SO much better now. I am trying so hard and come so far with my anxiety but this shows I have a way to go.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Car windscreen washer fluid

    Quote Originally Posted by willous1 View Post
    Thank you so much both. Just seen that the stuff did not have Methanol in it after all that, just Ethanol and Isopropanol. Feel SO much better now. I am trying so hard and come so far with my anxiety but this shows I have a way to go.
    You'll get there. Effectively stuff to remove traffic film and stop it freezing. There might be a wee bit of detergent in it too.

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