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Thread: Most Important Advice

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Most Important Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by PHR View Post
    I actually overdid it, it wasn't a little push with anxiety I could tolerate, it was a massive push that wiped me out, but I resisted the urge to leave, and saw it through, so even in them circumstances, I didn't back down or shy away

    But by your own admission you did tolerate it.

    You don't have to feel amazing to achieve a success. By NOT backing away, you took a little step in re-training your CNS to not overreact next time because you provided proof that catastrophe won't happen if you remain with the anxiety.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Most Important Advice

    That's what I mean really.

    By the text book, it was probably the ideal anxiety 'practice'. When we first got there, in the heat of the anxiety, I went to spin the car around as I couldn't stand it any longer, but I resisted the urge to do that, but was in so much of a state, that we agreed that my psychologist would drive back because I wasn't in a fit state to, and half an hour later, I drove back fine, so I saw the anxiety through perfectly well I suppose.

    I'm just struggling with the backlash, and this is a bit of a pattern for me, where I am anxious for days afterwards, and it makes me feel negatively towards the event, instead of taking the positives out of it. Honestly, yesterday and today so far have been a real struggle, and it then feels like a backwards step, instead of a forward step. If that makes sense.
    Last edited by LittleLionMan; 11-11-20 at 10:14.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Most Important Advice

    One thing I have noticed, and I don't know if anyone can relate? If I stay up late, doing anything intensive, ie. working, gaming, gambling, etc. I am FAR worse the next day.
    I was markedly better yesterday, played Xbox with a mate last night until 12:20ish, was asleep by 12:45, solid 6 1/2 hours, so a good nights sleep, yet I feel awful today, mind is a being menace, and feel like panic is coming at any time. Another thing happened yesterday that could be at the root of it, but I've noticed this pattern of doing stimulating (no not that!) stuff late at night and paying for it the next day.
    I'm going to experiment with being mindful of it for the time being, and seeing if it helps.
    Last edited by LittleLionMan; 14-11-20 at 15:21.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Re: Most Important Advice

    Yes it's normal, but remember to try not to over analyse every single cause/reaction. Sometimes anxiety will just happen.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Most Important Advice

    My anxiety has been honestly really well controlled for the last several months. Even through a pandemic. Then today it just shot up sky high with no real evident trigger that I could see at first. So I think the key lies in not necessarily finding all your triggers and avoiding them, but recognizing that it’s anxiety and just deal with it in that moment. Anxiety can’t always be explained logically, so it’s up to us to handle it when it happens. And the more we normalize how we handle it, the easier it becomes - and is how we can beat the beast. Just my opinion! And I realize sometimes easier said than done.

  6. #26
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    Re: Most Important Advice

    Yeah, you've probably just described the thing I do wrong there. I can't help but try and 'figure it out', constantly, and then gets stuck in my own head, although I think I've got a bit better at it actually.

    I know there are things you can do to help yourself. Have a decent sleep routine, eat better, exercise, not avoid specific things, but aside from that, I think you have to accept that what comes, comes.

    I tried to get a better nights sleep last night. Wasn't particularly early, but tried to unwind before I went to sleep (went to bed and watched boxing, including the superb Katie Taylor!), and have now been awake since 4am with my mind racing, so that's backfired and I feel dreadful.

  7. #27
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    Re: Most Important Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by PHR View Post
    I can't help but try and 'figure it out'

    Yes you can, it just takes practice. You are trying to undo years (decades?) of habitual reactive thinking.

  8. #28
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    Re: Most Important Advice

    I mean I can't at the moment. I'm learning, and getting better at it I think, but every thought sticks when I'm not feeling great, like today.

    I'm a ball of anxiety today from overthinking from 4-7 this morning, and can't let it go.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Re: Most Important Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by PHR View Post
    and can't let it go.

    Mentally replace that thought with 'I haven't let this go yet, but I will'.

    It really matters how you process the details of what you are experiencing. Everything is temporary.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Most Important Advice

    I was just going for a run to break the cycle and twisted my knee going down the stairs. Today just isn't my day! 😂

    It's just like a low level, persistant anxiety that seems to let my mind latch on to everything. It's worse when I'm tired, and I think it's from a rubbish nights sleep last night.

    * it's turning into panic now. 😢
    Last edited by LittleLionMan; 15-11-20 at 15:57.

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