Quote Originally Posted by phil06 View Post
Thanks that’s very interesting especially the dream part. I have heard stories of people floating above there body ect I believe my dad had this.
Out of body experience? I've never had this. Been close a few times, but I think that was down to the pints of real ale and dodgy kebabs.

So do you don’t quite believe reincarnation but some sort of after life?
It's not that I don't believe in reincarnation - I'm too open-minded for that - I just struggle to get my head around it. I struggle with the concept that my son and I could have been 'man and wife' in a different life. Again, that's my ignorance because we're talking soul level. You get me? The afterlife is easy to get my head around because I've experienced paranormal stuff since I was 9 years old. It found me, not the other way around. I also tend to find the reincarnation accounts of children more believable than adults who claim to have been Cleopatra etc

For me unless you get to come back again in reincarnation it’s a bit pointless.
Reincarnation - as I understand it - is about evolving spiritually.

I have terrible anxiety about dying every day so I know I need help with this issue. I feel it helps to talk about it too but I know once I have had this conversation I can’t keep thinking I’m dying every day?
Because you're not accepting death as part of life.

For me immorality has to be the future or atleast some sort of extended life maybe 120,130?
Phil, my eyebrows shot up reading this until I got to the second part and realised it was a typo!

My grand mother is actually 105 which is quite old. Sadly men don’t live as long.
Did she have her telegram from the Queen?

Good news for you Phil if you have longevity like this in your family!

Men aren't that far behind women generally..

Both my grandmothers died in their 70s. (Grandad was 81 - Nan was 77) and that was forty years after his first heart attack. Apparently a pint of cider, snuff, and a ploughmans lunch everyday is the key to living longer lol

Sure life can be stressful but the idea of it not continuing is depressing. I mean perhaps when you are 90 retried and don’t have your family around anymore perhaps you care less?
This is fascinating me because you're not exactly living now are you? You're here, technically, but your mind is elsewhere worrying about the future and things that might never happen - except death which definitely will happen - and this means you can't possibly be fully present.

I also worry about future deaths celebs or family as you never know how you will cope
I don't worry about people I like dying (rock stars etc) but it affects me very deeply when they do.

I have heard of people dying just soon after someone close to them dies that’s quite scary too?
This generally happens with elderly people and it stands to reason that, when they've spent the majority of their lives loving somebody - and those people die - the will to live is removed because their reason for living has gone. That's not scary - that's love.