Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
Well you were obviously lucky in the sense that your being smacked as a child hurt less than withdrawal of privileges.
That's because my parents didn't put much power behind the smack because, in their hearts, they didn't want to hurt me. My mother and her sisters got a belt across their backsides when they were children (albeit little sods according to my Nan). Shocking now right? But punishments like that were acceptable then and the further back in history you go, the worse it gets.

When I was a kid, especially at the residential school I attended, slaps were often doled out to kids willy-nilly, and often for seemingly trivial matters, such as accidentally dropping things, soiling themselves or vomiting on the spot when refused to let go to the toilet by staff, and of course, in the case of us Aspies, for stimming, as if it was crime of the century back in 1986.
Makes me angry just reading about it Len...

In fact, I was even sent swimming as a punishment with the Thursday group at the big pool which was hosted by that sadistic barsteward who ducked me under the water in my usual Monday swimming group which was in turn as a punishment for 'grassing' him up to my parents about his rough treatment of us pupils, especially in and around swimming pools, baths and showers. I really hope karma strikes you hard one day you evil man Mr Norton!!
Just goes back what I've said about abusive people seeking to work with vulnerable kids...