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Thread: Abdominal ultrasound

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Abdominal ultrasound

    Well after 2 months of lower right abdominal pain I have gone back to the drs to see what is next. The dr examined me and could not feel anything obvious (but I am well padded) and the bloods came back ok but the pain continues. I have just had text from them (after submitting online appt request to see what is next) and they have referred me for an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound to check for inflammation, ovarian cysts or other causes.

    Determined not to go off on one. Weird as overwhelmed by panic when got the text and the usual ‘they must know something is wrong’ thoughts, but know that this is obviously what needs to be done next as pain is still there. I did have an abdominal ultrasound years ago and so not bothered by the procedure just with what it might show.

    I don’t think I get results for a few weeks. Have to phone tomorrow to book appt, hoping they can see me soon (I think). I know I will be watching the person so closely trying to get an indication on what it is :(

    Does anyone know what it can show? I am not to google and check. Presumably it could show cysts or ‘masses’ on a variety of organs.

    Anyone with any experiences to share?

    Love flumpkin xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Abdominal ultrasound

    I had one a few weeks ago to look at my "female parts" and they found fibroids.

    It depends what organs they scan as to what it will show.

    Have a read of this post as well - there are loads more like it:

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Abdominal ultrasound

    Thanks Nicola. Must admit not really sure what fibroids are, were they causing you pain or other symptoms? Does this require further treatment if you don’t mind me asking?

    Thanks for the link too. I know there is quite a bit they can scan in abdomen but my knowledge of anatomy is pretty poor. Will have a look at some other posts too.

    Hope you are not suffering with your fibroids

    Love flump xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Abdominal ultrasound

    Quote Originally Posted by flumpkin View Post
    Well after 2 months of lower right abdominal pain I have gone back to the drs to see what is next. The dr examined me and could not feel anything obvious (but I am well padded) and the bloods came back ok but the pain continues. I have just had text from them (after submitting online appt request to see what is next) and they have referred me for an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound to check for inflammation, ovarian cysts or other causes.
    I still have my abdo pain - two months like you. All tests have come back clear but I still have the pain. No abdo MRI for me because it has to come via a gastro specialist and I can't get near an actual human being. I haven't even been examined...
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2009

    Re: Abdominal ultrasound

    Sorry you still have your pain too. Mine is starting to get me down a bit ( rather than it just being the associated anxiety I am keen to get rid of). Particularly sore tonight and higher up, although may be a bit of trapped wind as I get an episode of that every few months. Sometimes has me doubled over in pain but this is like the start of an episode but not progressing as normal but not going either. Weirdly never looked into that but as had in and off for 2 years I assume a nuisance rather than a particular issue.

    Well I have tried to book abdominal scan and been told referral is fine but can’t book anything as not making these appts currently and will be a minimum 12 week wait. They have my number and will call when I can go on the list 😞. Disappointed (even though anxious about what scan may find) as don’t want 3 months of this.

    I am lucky to have private medical cover at work so have called this pm and had a gp phone consult who is referring me to a general surgery consultant who gp said will call me at some point and he may refer me for a scan... so waiting for a call.

    What tests have you had Nora?

    Love flump xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Abdominal ultrasound

    Quote Originally Posted by flumpkin View Post
    Disappointed (even though anxious about what scan may find) as don’t want 3 months of this.
    I know what you mean mate. GP told me the waiting list for bum-cam is up to a year. It's one of those issues where I don't have the red flag symptoms in order for her to move things along quickly but I'm in discomfort all day and everyday with no sign of it going away and I'm now 10 weeks in. So bloody frustrating!

    What tests have you had Nora?
    Abdominal US, full bloods (only showed low B12 (I've never been low on that before now) FIT and Calprotectin test all clear. But this feels more 'structural' as in it's there all the time, and nothing I do with my diet makes any difference. When I go to the loo the area feels 'bruised' afterwards - like I've been doing sit-ups.

    Now, I do have fibromyalgia - which is basically a pain signal cock up due to an issue with my ANS and Hypothalamus, so how much of a part that is playing in this, I don't know. But, prior to the pain starting, I had a few days where I had shooting pains down my thighs and those pains have stayed constant throughout this. I have no idea if this is connected or not, but my GP's already think I'm a pain in the arse so I don't think mentioning the thigh pain will make any odds. Maybe to a gastro specialist it would - but I have more chance of waking up next to Tom Hardy than I do getting to see one of those before 2057.

    I'm off to punch Hubs hard in the face now because a few years ago I said we should take out private healthcare and he said it would be a waste of money. Git.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Abdominal ultrasound

    I’ve had 3 internal abdominal ultrasounds and they are pretty painless. They found a cyst in 2 of mine and nothing in the 3rd.
    A family member just had one where they found a large fibroid.

    I also had to have blood tests and a MRI.

    All was ok, it’s obviously a worrying time but it’s great you have private care and can do it all relatively quickly.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Abdominal ultrasound

    Thanks Both

    Wow Nora 12 months? I’ll stop moaning!! I know I am really lucky to have the private cover. Waiting to hear from consultant and not sure what wait time for scan will be but hopefully a bit faster. It is so expensive though. I looked at adding husband at a discounted rate and it was not affordable. He was quite put out as ‘we insure the dog’ 😂

    Scass, with the cysts and fibroids - were they the cause of underlying abdo pain? Any other symptoms if don’t mind me asking. Not that I am trying to reassure myself or self diagnose 🙄

    Love flump x
    Last edited by flumpkin; 26-11-20 at 12:13. Reason: Typo

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Abdominal ultrasound

    Quote Originally Posted by flumpkin View Post
    I looked at adding husband at a discounted rate and it was not affordable. He was quite put out as ‘we insure the dog’ 
    Same here, and she's currently licking her arse and loving life while I'm tearing my hair out in frustration.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Abdominal ultrasound

    Quote Originally Posted by flumpkin View Post
    Thanks Both

    Wow Nora 12 months? I’ll stop moaning!! I know I am really lucky to have the private cover. Waiting to hear from consultant and not sure what wait time for scan will be but hopefully a bit faster. It is so expensive though. I looked at adding husband at a discounted rate and it was not affordable. He was quite put out as ‘we insure the dog’

    Scass, with the cysts and fibroids - were they the cause of underlying abdo pain? Any other symptoms if don’t mind me asking. Not that I am trying to reassure myself or self diagnose

    Love flump x

    When I first discovered I had a cyst I didn’t really have a lot of pain, but I had very weird periods and often ovulation pains.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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