So the agitation cleared off after half an hour of moving from side to side... Did my mile walk this morning with the dog came home with a headache and felt tired. Laid down for half an hour but I was too awake to sleep and my anxiety was having none of it even though I felt exhausted. Pottered round for a while then went to Morrissons for some shopping. Went a bit t**s up after that. I was walking round Morrissions and I felt out of breath, also keep getting an ache round my left boob. I have had a funny left arm for ages, think it's a trapped nerve in my neck but ohhhh noooo not today. Decided it's Heart disease. It's like I have the same 2 or 3 symptoms but I cant decide what they are so I just keep going over and over and over it in my mind.
Think Im doing some jaw tensing and arm tensing.... I suddenly notice that my jaw is stuck out at an odd angle and my shoulders are up round my ears.
I have not googled so i'm quite pleased with my self.
Felt a bit zoned out at times today and had the anxiety all day. It's like an impulse in the tops of my arms that make them want to tense up.... What is this? Driving me nuts.
Ok rant over... Ava x