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Thread: Well here we go... 150mg

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
    When do these side effects pass, surely they should have gone by now.
    Apart from possibly the headache, this seems to be mostly anxiety. Unfortunately, it takes weeks for the anti anxiety effects of dose increases to take effect and in the meantime ADs often ramp it up. The best thing you can do is to get up and keep active to give your mind other things to work on. Staying in bed allows it to focus on the anxiety and how crap you feel.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Thanks Ian... I did get up and get dressed. Had to take a diazepam about half 10 though. I'd be forcing myself to go in to work which I know helps but were not back till at least March due to covid.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Bad start to yesterday, felt so poorly when I first woke up and anxiety was through the roof, I did manage to go back to sleep till about 10 but had to take a diazepam when I woke back up. Not a great day but I got through it... picked my son up from college at half 1 the took him for a hair cut. I wandered round the shops while I waited for him which was difficult, although I did buy a jigsaw. Got back to my parents and did some colouring. My husband picked me up at teatime and we came home, he had put the tree up. We had dinner, watched some TV and I went to sleep about 10.45. Felt very strange last night. Can't really explain it. Had some health anxiety but didn't google. This morning is shakey, and I keep yawning and burping. Anxiety is there lurking under the surface ready to take over at any second. Body feels heavy and like jelly. Going to get up and put some more Xmas decs up.

    Day 11 please be a better one.
    Ava x

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Just managed a shower and hair wash but wow what an effort... my whole body feels so heavy, like lead. Doing anything is such a huge effort and leaves me breathless. Is this depression? This is always what sats my anxiety off. I hate this feeling that things are an effort. I want to just get on with things like other people. Not sit procrastinating about it then having to force myself. This makes me frustrated then my anxiety kicks in. Always the same thing since my 20s. As soon as I get that heavy head and heavy body feeling and I have to force myself them bam im in anxiety hell.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Lebonvin... Ian has been a big help to me so I would prefer that you don't comment on my thread with stuff like that. It's you that is coming across as the idiot not Ian. You know the saying if you haven't got anything nice to say then don't say anything? Well I think you should bear that in mind.

    So day 11 was a busy one, got up and forced myself in the shower. We got ready and went out... husband got a hair cut so I wandered round for a while, we went in a few shops then went into town. Got a few bits we needed then came home. Pottered round at home and put some more Xmas decs up. I had the anxiety all day but more under the surface and it couldn't break through to full on. Had some agitation spells too. Quite a bit of nausea and a headache for most of the day too. Was relatively calm last night but then I got some health anxiety which played on my mind for the rest of the evening. Was aching everywhere when I went to bed last night but fell asleep quite quickly and slept through till 8.30 this morning. Woke a bit out of it this morning but I think that is wearing off. Got the decorators coming at 11 and we need to pop to the blind shop and b and q today.

    Day 12 today... let's hope it's a decent one.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
    Just managed a shower and hair wash but wow what an effort... my whole body feels so heavy, like lead. Doing anything is such a huge effort and leaves me breathless. Is this depression? This is always what sats my anxiety off. I hate this feeling that things are an effort. I want to just get on with things like other people. Not sit procrastinating about it then having to force myself. This makes me frustrated then my anxiety kicks in. Always the same thing since my 20s. As soon as I get that heavy head and heavy body feeling and I have to force myself them bam im in anxiety hell.
    So the heavy head and body feeling comes out of the blue and propels you into full blown anxiety, Ava? If so, does it come and go on its own, or only after treatment, how often does it come and have you noticed a recurring trigger, or pattern to its onset?
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    I've never noticed a trigger for it Ian, it just comes on... then I'm in full anxiety trying to figure out why. It does come and go on its own. Sometimes it last for days.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
    I've never noticed a trigger for it Ian, it just comes on... then I'm in full anxiety trying to figure out why. It does come and go on its own. Sometimes it last for days.
    I don't think it is depression. It might be anxiety related, but there are many other possibilities. Have you ever seen a GP during one and had blood, or other tests?
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    No I haven't but that would be a good idea. I always consult Dr Google... but... I haven't done this for 4 days now. I made a promise to myself I would never google symptoms again. Im starting one cbt on the 15th and I have a telephone doctors appointment on the 17th for a catch up since I increased my dose so I will ask her then. I have realised I need to change the way I react to things. I need to talk to family and then the doctor if needed rather than keeping quiet, consulting Dr google then worrying it all in my head.
    Ian you are a massive help to me through this and I just want you to know I am thankful.
    Ava x

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    So yesterday was manageable... kept fairly busy this weekend. Got up yesterday and went out with my husband to get a few bits. Went to b&q, home base, then went to sainsburys. Came home and we watched some TV, then had a Sunday dinner. Anxiety was fairly low level and bubbling under the surface all day and just peaked here and there due to my thoughts. Had another round of health anxiety. My mind is still in the same loop. Its like a washing machine with a few thoughts in there that just goes round and round all day. Still scanning myself all day for symptoms and have that uncomfortable feeling in my tummy like something is wrong and I just feel quite achey and unwell in myself. Anxiety won't go into a full on panic though like before so the ven is clearly doing something. Motivation is still low and everything is an effort. Just waiting for a parcel to arrive then im going to my parents this morning. Dads at work this afternoon though so I might come home and wrap some Xmas presents.

    Day 13... incoming!!

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