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Thread: Xl versus MR.. What the difference

  1. #1

    Xl versus MR.. What the difference

    Hi, I've received my scrip and once again different brands but thus time ones an XL and other is MR should i be worried... also been unwell with an upset tummy will this lessen the impact of the tablets?... I've been on them years but just need a little reassurance as I'm having a few bad days 😔

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Xl versus MR.. What the difference

    I'm sure they're the same..... One is worded modified release (MR) and the other extended release(XR) all the same thing, just worded differently.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Xl versus MR.. What the difference

    Quote Originally Posted by Stronglady View Post
    Hi, I've received my scrip and once again different brands but thus time ones an XL and other is MR should i be worried...
    Nope. Just different name for the same thing. I don't know why they do this. All it does is confuse and upset people. Just call them all slow-release and be done with it. Everyone knows what that means.

    also been unwell with an upset tummy will this lessen the impact of the tablets?... I've been on them years but just need a little reassurance as I'm having a few bad days 😔
    An upset stomach shouldn't lessen the effectiveness unless you vomit the pills up. However, the stomach issue may be impacting on your mental state directly. It is becoming increasingly clear that the gut, and especially the mini brain which controls it functions, the enteric nervous system (ENS), have considerable influence over the brain generally, and on its mood centres specifically. In turn the ENS can be affected by the gut microbiome. Gut microbes also have binding sites targetted by ADs and may also be affected by the meds. There is also evidence that ADs can alter the mix of gut flora.

    So how you feel emotionally can literally be effected by your poop! Indeed, it is possible to make a strong argument for us being merely the life support system for the bugs in our guts who can lead us on a merry chase at times. They outnumber the cells of our bodies by about 10:1 so we don't stand a chance if they turn on us! The bottom line is look after your gut, or it could make your life miserable on many levels!

    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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