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Thread: Is It The Sertraline

  1. #1

    Back to where I started 5 years ago

    So about 5 years ago I was diagnosed with really bad health anxiety and started the journey of trying to get it under control, I started on sertraline 50mg and the first 8 weeks were absolute hell but I got through it somehow I wish I could remember how, fast forward to July 2020 and I decided the time was right to come off my meds as I felt I’d got my old self back so slowly I came off them, then in October I got covid really bad and all my anxiety came back, I went to the doctors and agreed to go back on the sertraline I am now on week 6 and omg I am struggling big time with my anxiety, my hearts pounding, my body is jittery, I am soooo tense, I’ve got headaches, I am on edge constantly, I am panicking 24/7 I just can’t seem to calm down, now I know that this is probably the medication but I can’t tell myself this as my head just won’t listen it’s absolutely crippling me, I am back to work tomorrow and the thought of feeling like this in work just fills me with dread, I start a new job in a few weeks and I really can’t feel this way when I start which is stressing me out big time, I know I have been here before but honestly how can this make you feel so bad, I just wanna hide away until these symptoms have passed but it’s impossible.... anyway else feel this way all the time, how do you cope? X

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Back to where I started 5 years ago

    Quote Originally Posted by Emmalb1981 View Post
    So about 5 years ago I was diagnosed with really bad health anxiety and started the journey of trying to get it under control, I started on sertraline 50mg and the first 8 weeks were absolute hell but I got through it somehow I wish I could remember how, fast forward to July 2020 and I decided the time was right to come off my meds as I felt I’d got my old self back so slowly I came off them, then in October I got covid really bad and all my anxiety came back,
    Did you have any therapy as well as taking the medication?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  3. #3

    Struggling To Believe it’s Anxiety

    Started suffering with health anxiety in 2014 really really bad worked myself into a proper state and spiralled big time, ended up in A&E countless times as I was convinced I was going to die obviously I didn’t because I am still here, fast forward until 2020 after numerous tests, doctors visits and medications it was decided that I would take sertraline at 50mg this was from 2014 5 years down the line I felt amazing anxiety went and I was coping well then in the summer doctor and I agreed to stop the sertraline as I was doing so well little did I know in October 2020 I got covid and it knocked me for 6 I was really poorly which then sparked my health anxiety again so I decided that I would go back on the medication same dose as before however only this time round my anxiety has gone through the roof I am really struggling to cope now I don’t know if this is the anxiety or my body adjusting to the medication again, I am six weeks in so don’t know what to do for the best to stick with it or taper off, I know they worked before and I got through it all but I don’t remember it taking this long to have an effect hence I’m struggling to deal with things right now, I feel like I am on edge all the time waiting for anxiety symptom to happen, I’ve got headaches all the time, I am agitated and stressed out I don’t know what to do to calm myself down, I’ve tried telling myself to accept it and go with it but the fear is always there I just want to break down in tears all the time, I speak to my husband but he doesn’t understand, I’m starting a new job in 2 weeks and worried sick I’ll be like this when I start....

  4. #4

    Is It The Sertraline

    Started suffering with health anxiety in 2014 really really bad worked myself into a proper state and spiralled big time, ended up in A&E countless times as I was convinced I was going to die obviously I didn’t because I am still here, fast forward until 2020 after numerous tests, doctors visits and medications it was decided that I would take sertraline at 50mg this was from 2014 5 years down the line I felt amazing anxiety went and I was coping well then in the summer doctor and I agreed to stop the sertraline as I was doing so well little did I know in October 2020 I got covid and it knocked me for 6 I was really poorly which then sparked my health anxiety again so I decided that I would go back on the medication same dose as before however only this time round my anxiety has gone through the roof I am really struggling to cope now I don’t know if this is the anxiety or my body adjusting to the medication again, I am six weeks in so don’t know what to do for the best to stick with it or taper off, I know they worked before and I got through it all but I don’t remember it taking this long to have an effect hence I’m struggling to deal with things right now, I feel like I am on edge all the time waiting for anxiety symptom to happen, I’ve got headaches all the time, I am agitated and stressed out I don’t know what to do to calm myself down, I’ve tried telling myself to accept it and go with it but the fear is always there I just want to break down in tears all the time, I speak to my husband but he doesn’t understand, I’m starting a new job in 2 weeks and worried sick I’ll be like this when I start....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Is It The Sertraline

    Quote Originally Posted by Emmalb1981 View Post
    so I decided that I would go back on the medication same dose as before however only this time round my anxiety has gone through the roof I am really struggling to cope now I don’t know if this is the anxiety or my body adjusting to the medication again, I am six weeks in so don’t know what to do for the best to stick with it or taper off, I know they worked before and I got through it all but I don’t remember it taking this long to have an effect hence I’m struggling to deal with things right now, I feel like I am on edge all the time waiting for anxiety symptom to happen, I’ve got headaches all the time, I am agitated and stressed out I don’t know what to do to calm myself down, I’ve tried telling myself to accept it and go with it but the fear is always there I just want to break down in tears all the time, I speak to my husband but he doesn’t understand, I’m starting a new job in 2 weeks and worried sick I’ll be like this when I start....
    An increase in anxiety soon after starting on SSRIs is quite common, unfortunately, SSRIs increase serotonin synthesis and expression within an hour of the first dose and despite what you may have read this is not a 'feel good' neurotransmitter. It is anything but as you've found out. In your case this may be compounded by having been on sertraline before. For reasons that aren't really understood the initial side-effects may become progressively more severe and/or different each time an antidepressant (AD) is restarted. You may also need to take a higher dose to achieve the same level of response as last time too.

    I suggest you discuss your situation with your GP as there are ways of easing the heightened anxiety and agitation, etc. White-knuckling through side-effects is counterproductive. The less stress the better at this stage. Paracetamol, aka acetaminophen, is the preferred painkiller for headaches, etc, when taking SSRIs and other serotonergic ADs.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  6. #6

    Re: Is It The Sertraline

    Thanks for the reply I have contacted my GP as to feel like this still after 6 weeks although I know they take a while to level out I’d have thought after last time it had settled down sooner I’m sure, I don’t know whether to up the dose if they recommend or to give them the heave ho as 6 weeks in I’m sure coming off won’t be as bad, I am just so tense in my shoulders it’s like I am wearing them as earrings they are that high

  7. #7

    Help I hate this feeling

    Started suffering with health anxiety in 2014 really really bad worked myself into a proper state and spiralled big time, ended up in A&E countless times as I was convinced I was going to die obviously I didn’t because I am still here, fast forward until 2020 after numerous tests, doctors visits and medications it was decided that I would take sertraline at 50mg this was from 2014 5 years down the line I felt amazing anxiety went and I was coping well then in the summer doctor and I agreed to stop the sertraline as I was doing so well little did I know in October 2020 I got covid and it knocked me for 6 I was really poorly which then sparked my health anxiety again so I decided that I would go back on the medication same dose as before however only this time round my anxiety has gone through the roof I am really struggling to cope now I don’t know if this is the anxiety or my body adjusting to the medication again, I am six weeks in so don’t know what to do for the best to stick with it or taper off, I know they worked before and I got through it all but I don’t remember it taking this long to have an effect hence I’m struggling to deal with things right now, I feel like I am on edge all the time waiting for anxiety symptom to happen, I’ve got headaches all the time, I am agitated and stressed out I don’t know what to do to calm myself down, I’ve tried telling myself to accept it and go with it but the fear is always there I just want to break down in tears all the time, I speak to my husband but he doesn’t understand, I’m starting a new job in 2 weeks and worried sick I’ll be like this when I start....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Is It The Sertraline

    Quote Originally Posted by Emmalb1981 View Post
    Thanks for the reply I have contacted my GP as to feel like this still after 6 weeks although I know they take a while to level out I’d have thought after last time it had settled down sooner I’m sure, I don’t know whether to up the dose if they recommend or to give them the heave ho
    Your GP is better placed to make that call if side-effects countermeasures don't work.

    as 6 weeks in I’m sure coming off won’t be as bad, I am just so tense in my shoulders it’s like I am wearing them as earrings they are that high
    If it comes to this then instead of weaning off sertraline it might be better to switch directly to another SSRI. That way you retain the benefit of brain changes made in the last 6 weeks. Citalopram (Celexa) and escitalopram (Lexapro) are the SSRIs which generally produce less severe side-effects, thought that isn't a guarantee. They are essentially the same med so it probably won't matter much which you take, but citalopram would be my initial pick.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Struggling To Believe it’s Anxiety

    Did you consult your doctor before starting again? That asked, it can take 6 weeks or more for it to kick in, or it could be you need a dosage adjustment, or it's just not working for you anymore. My daughter suffers from anxiety and depression and was on Zoloft in the beginning. It stopped working for her and she's had to try different meds and deal with the increased anxiety cross tapering etc. until they found one that works for her. I'd most definitely contact your doctor if you haven't done so already to discuss it.

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    Re: Is It The Sertraline


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