Quote Originally Posted by flappergirl View Post
I am out of isolation but have not been out, worried I am contagious still! I feel a little bit more energetic, and have done little chores here and there, with rests in between. Hubby is taking it easy but he has been moving about more. GP said just to keep eating and drinking and wasn’t too worried about the BP fortunately. Have discovered that the ibruprofen helps the pressure headache a lot and that lemsips calm the congested feeling. It is much better around lunchtime after a morning of clicking and popping!

Glad to hear that you are both feeling better, it’s such a relief to be past the end of isolation mark. Mentally it is draining still for me too, I wake up every day at 6am in a panic, and have anxiety on and off during the day. Hoping it settles as time goes on xx
Glad you're feeling a bit better. It definitely takes its time and is wildly different for everybody. But good to know you've all turned a corner. Glad the GP wasn't worried too, that's great! I'll update our symptoms below. But yes I am struggling a lot mentally still, despite seeing improvements. I'm not so worried about myself but more so for my boyfriend, worrying for him that he wont get back to normal. But I know this is anxiety and it is irrational, he's 30 and healthy so the stats are heavily in his favour that he will shake this off. Hopefully the anxiety will lessen as the days go on. Xx