Morning all... It's a week today that I increased the nort to 30mg and I think it's fair to say my get up and go has literally got up and gone! It was hard motivating myself before but at the moment I seriously need to be Wonder Woman to make myself do anything. Not sure of this is the nort increase or just me. Started my antibiotics this morning so fingers crossed they help.

Didn't really do much yesterday, worked during the day then just read my kindle last night. Actually got quite into it in an on and off kind of way. Had some health anxiety last night but I couldn't even be bothered to get too wound up about it. I do find that I can't go too into my health anxiety which must be the ven helping.

Going to drop the dog at the groomers shortly and then go to the supermarket with my husband to get food ready for keto. Got an online quiz tonight with friends. Glad to be getting out of the house today. Still haven't printed stuff off from CBT woman and I have lapsed a bit on my activity sheet so really must make myself do them today. Feel very flat and uninterested. Not climbing the walls with anxiety though! Can't bloody win can you!!

Right, that's me over and out for another update. Take care. Ava x