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Thread: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Bounding Pulse

    Hi all
    Looking to see if anyone has encountered anything similar as even with the help of Dr Google () I'm rather confused.

    My little story:

    I'm nearly 35 now but back when I was 17/18 I remember having some sort of panic attack after drinking. I had come back home and was constantly aware of my heart pounding away, a bit like if I'd just been exercising. I'd ended up ringing 111, had paramedics come out, I ended up at hospital, the ambulance crew gave me a quick ECG which came out fine. I had a proper ECG at hospital that came out fine, I went to a cardiologist and he had me wear a holter monitor for 2 days, was told I had an innocent murmur but apart from that all peachy - heres some propanalol if you want it.

    Well since that day I've been fully aware of my heart beat 24/7 - 17 long years. I'm usually able to avoid it but its impossible when it comes to bed time or if I'm sat somewhere quiet. It's never really done anything to make me question it, it seems quite stable and consistent, doesn't really give me any grief but its annoying to say the least.

    Anyway - about 3 months ago, I don't know what happened, maybe something triggered..something at work, I don't know but my pulse/heartbeat got more noticeable it was more of a consistent thump (my hearts always about 45-55bpm) but it got to the point where it rocks my body, I'm sat in a chair, it rocks the chair. I lift my hands up my hands are moving to the beat. If I try and focus on something with my eyes my head rocks and I lose focus momentarily, lay in bed and the whole damn mattress has a little wobble, etc. I spend the next 10? weeks or so convincing myself my heart valve has packed in because when you consult google - bounding pulse = aortic regurgitation. The only thing that kept me vaguely sane was because I didn't really have any shortness of breath or swelling or other heart failure type symptoms but deary me I got myself into a state - lost about 5kg, barely ate..spent all day shaking my legs or rocking or something to distract me. (all the time though - my heart never speeds up, always about 50)

    So last tuesday I have a full on breakdown at work but I don't think anyone noticed and I got into my car in time. I ring the private hospital and get an appointment with a cardiologist on the thursday night (I see little point dealing with my GP - he would just refer me to a cardiologist in about 4 months time). By this point I've almost accepted my fate my valves knackered and I'll need open heart surgery. I go on thursday night and I'm sat there shaking like a leaf, my hearts doing over 100 and he gives me a fairly thorough going over, checking my front/back/neck/arms. Picks up the innocent murmur but says everything else sounds fine - nothing that stands out although my heart is very loud and he doesnt know if I maybe have a small chest cavity. End result is he's referred me back through the NHS for a heart MRI to have a look (but apparently theres really no rush) - gives me some bisoprolol and sends me on my way.

    4 days on and I'm onto my 4th 2.5mg dose. I would say my bounding pulse/thumping/shaking has gone from a 7 to maybe a 4-5 (Depending on the time of day) and now my heart rate is low 40's. I think I have some side effects from the beta blockers/low heart rate but nothing too much (a bit colder/was a bit jittery a few days ago but thats better now) I'm sat here thinking if my hearts coping in the low 40's it must be pretty healthy? so what the hell is wrong - can this thumping still be anxiety related, have I got myself into such a state over the last 2-3 months is it going to take time to settle? Anyone else experienced anything like this? (I don't really expect any solid answers here but when you spend weeks reading anxiety forums and heart failure forums and you don't seem to fit in either - its a bit daunting!)

    The other thing I've got is a really irritating sore neck down the right side which comes and goes and stays under my jaw a lot but I'm not sold on that being related. (this has got oddly worse since I've been stressing about my heart though, muscle related?)

    Thanks for reading if anyone made it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Bounding Pulse

    Hi im sorry you are suffering so badly. I know exactly how you feel when it comes to fear about the heart . I too have worried about this for so long so many years wasted and im still suffering. It sounds exactly like anxiety and nothing else but to get real reassurance please speak with your doctor. Please please do not Google as it never ends well believe me ive learnt the hard way on that one. I have terrible palpations and they have reared their ugly head again but im trying to contain my fear by keeping busy. I put a post up the other day about it as I was in a terrible state. Ask your doctor for additional help for anxiety also there is a group called no panic its a free phone helpline 7 days from 10 to 10 pm its run by anxiety sufferers and it can be helpful if you get someone on the line you can relate to. Please try not to worry you will be okay xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Bounding Pulse

    Hi Molly

    I do think your probably right about it being anxiety - its awful when it feels like theres a small child kicking you in your back every second or 2...but the thing I keep noticing is its quite a bit better when I wake up - the only time my brain switches off from it. I can't really think of many long term serious health issues that would get progressively worse the longer I'm awake - surely it would be constant.

    I'm going to give the beta blockers a week or 2 and see if I can get through the tiredness (my heart rate is probably high 30's overnight now as its low 40's when I'm sat at my desk) so It's probably safe to assume thats going to explain some symptoms. I'm dubious of lowering my dose because I've become so fixated on the thumping I'd do anything to dull it. But perhaps I can have a chat with my GP and see what the longer plan is in regards to getting some more (I've only been given a months worth) or do I try something else entirely. - I'd be surprised if my MRI is any time soon and theres a chance thats going to show absolutely nothing anyway!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.


    I do have a post in the heart section (about how its 24/7 like a small child is kicking me in the back and rocking me)

    However I'm getting more bothered by all the other things, I don't know if I'm descending into being off my trolley, maybe its a med side effect.

    I'm very jittery/hypersensitive/aware of things going on and its making things so much worse.

    I started down the rabbit hole with my heart problems (I think thats in limbo at the moment - the cardiologist couldnt hear anything alarming but commented my heart was very loud so sent me for an some point) I was given some bisoprolol - I have no idea if this is doing anything or not.

    I was skeptical of taking beta blockers due to having a naturally low heart rate (50's sat at a desk, 40's when sleeping) - I've never been told its a problem and apart from being aware of it 24/7 It's never caused me any pain/lightheadness etc.

    I'm 5 days in now, now when I'm sat at a desk my heart rates in the 40s and I would imagine mid/late 30's overnight. I don't have any dizziness as such but I do feel a bit weaker/tired. I still have the heart thumping (but its not quite as noticeable) but what annoys me is its rocking my hands when trying to do something small/fiddly. It also seems I get easily irritated when I can't do said small and fiddly thing which seems to escalate into me getting stressed/making my heart worse.

    Does anyone get into these small cycles they cant get out of?. It's like I can't calm down which is making my symptoms worse..and my symptoms getting worse are stressing me out - I'd never normally get this stressed this easily.

    I was obsessed/convinced my heart was on its way out 24/7 for the best part of 2-3 months and I'm not sure if I've caused myself any longer term mental woes. I'm having all sorts of throat pain/headaches/muscle twitching/popping and clicking bones that I'm trying not to think the worst of but its not easy! (at least they come and go)

    I'm going to give these beta blockers a couple more days before trying to find out from my doctor if theres anything else I can take that wouldn't lower my heart rate - or do I need anxiety meds instead.

    It's starting to cause a problem with work and what little life I have left. but I suppose I'm looking to hear if anyone else has had something similar or if I'm physically & mentally falling apart!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Bounding Pulse

    Having read your threads, the fact you've been cleared medically and the fact you admit to being hyper-focused on your heartbeat as well as the fact you're posting on an anxiety site makes it obvious what the real issue is. Everyone, if they focus their attention can hear and feel their heartbeat. The issue here is your hyper-focusing on it. That's what needs to be addressed. Real life professional help and learning methods of distraction to take your mind off of a normal bodily function and meds if needed to help get you there would be prudent to look into. I don't see anything wrong with the beta blocker as they're designed to limit how hard your heart works. The constant adrenalin surge you get when you fixate on your heart will increase heart rate and the beta blocker can help control your body's reaction to your fear.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.


    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

    Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

    It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

    I got a letter today from the cardiologist which was addressed to the doctor

    Thats just freaked me and it sounds completely different to when I was there!

    Loud 1st and 2nd heart sound, murmur in mitral region which does not radiate - interestingly heart can be heard through back (I don't like specialists using words such as interestingly - that means they aint sure and its not normal) Due to sounds and murmur have referred for MRI

    I'm not sure I was quite at the same consultation as him! - it was all perfectly normal, just a bit of a murmur..theres nothing to worry about. Now hes listing me bleeding faults
    Last edited by anom; 21-01-21 at 13:50.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

    I thought Id update my own thread

    It's another month on, I still have the exact same issue with the forceful heartbeat. I'm down to 1.25mg bisoprolol now which does seem to have stopped the odd chest twinges I was getting on 2.5 (probably due to my bpm being 40)

    1.25 doesn't seem to have any side effects, however it seems to wear off quite quickly - by late afternoon it feels like I haven't got any left inside me, maybe I can do 1.25 in the morning and 1.25 in the evening to spread the dose about.

    My main reason for updating was I had a CT scan with dye this morning (I don't know why - I was meant to be getting an MRI but when the appointment came through it was a CT scan instead) - Now I get to spend the next however long panicking about the results/if I'm being called about it or getting a letter for a new appointment. I did clock my heart rate as 60-70 whilst I was being scanned which surprised me - these beta blockers work! I was easily 100+ when I saw the cardiologist before.

    The dye is a funny old feeling! , I would say if anyone's panicking about having a CT scan - its not at all bad, I was more nervous in the waiting area before hand

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

    What if I told you the issue was your focus and perception, not on your heart?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.

    I would say you may well be right.

    Its generally less forceful in the morning (when my brain has shut up overnight?) and gets progressively more noticeable/annoying during the day. If I'm distracted I don't notice it too much.

    I'm not one for exercise (ever) but I did buy a cross trainer with the intent on trying to get fitter. I would say after 4-5km my heart is going like the clappers, my legs are turning to jelly and my pulse is shaking me all over the place - but theres no chest pains or struggling to breathe.

    The longer it goes on, the more I'm convinced its something else (I don't know what else can cause a bounding pulse really, an infection or a vitamin deficiency? - possible I guess)

    I am edging on the side that my heart is actually fine. But its something that has bothered me somewhat for the best part of 20 years - so having an actual scan now instead of being prodded/ecg I suppose would bring closure to it (providing its ok!)

    I think its just annoying that it visibly rocks me, if I didnt move but could feel it - I could accept I'm just over focusing on it, but when my entire body shakes (I'm not as big as I used to be - 6ft and 12.5 stone approx) or when I pick a piece of paper up and its visibly shaking - freaks me out.

    I didnt want to run to my doctors claiming it was anxiety for them to shuffle me onto some happy pills and not have a look at anything. I've had a scan now and hopefully if I get an all clear on that one - I'm quite happy to go down the anxiety path and getting help for that as I know its something thats been a long term issue!

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