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Thread: Increasing from 50mg to 100mg

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Increasing from 50mg to 100mg

    Hello all. I've been on 50mg for about 10 months and have had some anxiety and tension since New Year - I missed a week due to illness around new year and I don't think that helped.

    I spoke to a GP today and she has suggested increasing from 50mg to 100mg for 3/4 months.

    Can anyone advise, in general, what they experienced from increasing dosage please?

    Aside, from bugs and colds, I've never really had any "Actual" illness before, so having a prescription like this is still feels new, even after a year or two on off.
    When You Hear Hooves, Think Horse, Not Zebra

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Increasing from 50mg to 100mg

    I'm on 100MG as well - certainly worth a try to see if you notice an improvement. Question: why did your GP decide to increase your dosage? Were you feeling despondent on 50MG? I hope you feel better soon and I wish you well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Increasing from 50mg to 100mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Scissel73 View Post
    I'm on 100MG as well - certainly worth a try to see if you notice an improvement. Question: why did your GP decide to increase your dosage? Were you feeling despondent on 50MG? I hope you feel better soon and I wish you well.
    Hi Scissel, thanks for responding. She asked me how I was getting on and I just said, that I've had 6 weeks of obsessive thoughts, tension and general worrying. I did miss a week of taking the meds so I wasn't sure whether that had an effect.

    She said, the best thing to do would be to increase dosage for a few months and see how I go. She also said that for someone my age, the best thing is getting active - which I have begun to do.

    I've been working 12 hour days for 10 months at my dining table since the Pandemic started so I need to get my engine going again.

    What time in the day do you take your meds?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Increasing from 50mg to 100mg

    Hi Paul.. I also have obsessive intrusive thoughts. The tension and worry we can work more on partly by changing/modifying your routines and reactions. I like to avoid saying "behaviors" [CBT[, because at 47 years old, I don't to be told to "behave" Lol, of course at that. I would see how that goes, as I take my Sertraline in the morning. I've experimented with taking in the the afternoon on days when I wake up in like a zombie, but it doesn't make much difference, either way. I would try to take it the same time every day. Staying active during this pandemic is not easy, but it sounds like your working is helping you - at lest I get that 'feeling'.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Increasing from 50mg to 100mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul84 View Post
    I spoke to a GP today and she has suggested increasing from 50mg to 100mg for 3/4 months.

    Can anyone advise, in general, what they experienced from increasing dosage please?
    You may experience some side-effects for a while similar to when you first began taking sertraline. To reduce the severity of any side-effects I suggest you don't increase the dose in a single step, but take 75mg for a week before upping to 100mg. You should okay this with your GP first.

    She said, the best thing to do would be to increase dosage for a few months and see how I go. She also said that for someone my age, the best thing is getting active - which I have begun to do
    Very good advice. Exercise has the same therapeutic effect on the brain as ADs do. It can be all some need to resolve mild anxiety and depression. You don't need to run a marathon every day. A 30-45 minute walk 4-5 days a week can make a difference.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Increasing from 50mg to 100mg

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    You may experience some side-effects for a while similar to when you first began taking sertraline. To reduce the severity of any side-effects I suggest you don't increase the dose in a single step, but take 75mg for a week before upping to 100mg. You should okay this with your GP first.

    Very good advice. Exercise has the same therapeutic effect on the brain as ADs do. It can be all some need to resolve mild anxiety and depression. You don't need to run a marathon every day. A 30-45 minute walk 4-5 days a week can make a difference.
    Thank you for your reply

    I like the idea of steadily increasing the dosage. I will give it a go when I get the tablets.

    In terms of getting active, I'm beginning the "Couch to 5K" challenge on Monday and have set myself some aims for next 18 months.

    Complete the Couch to 5k

    Run a 5k for charity

    Try out some new activities e.g. climbing

    Maybe climb one of the bigger peaks in the UK. I need companions for this.

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