Awwwww Jean..... what can we say about Jean....

Like Nic I had never met Jean but had many conversations with her online and she became a special presence...... we both shared a love of cats and I always used to get her messaging me and asking for cat advice as apparently, I was an 'expert'... one of the last conversations we had was that her son's cat was coming to stay for a week and how did I think she could make sure her cat didn't get stressed (not that the topic of conversation really mattered) but that last conversation I had with her showed her kind and compassionate manner which she exuded to everyone she spoke to! She also had a lot to say and could message you for hours and you really didn't mind as she was that sort of person!

Me and Emmz (venusbluejeans) used to meet up a few times a year (pre-covid) and we always took a selfie photo to post on Facebook and we laughed about how long it would take before Jean posted a comment saying how lovely it was to see "her girls" meeting up again and how much she loved us.
This was normally even before I had left the car park after leaving Nic!! sometimes even before we left the restaurant! It always made us smile to see her comment

Rest in peace Jean..... I will miss your comments and your friendship so much xxxxxxx