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Thread: Neighbour's tv triggering anxiety

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Neighbour's tv triggering anxiety

    I've suffered from anxiety for years but this is new. A new neighbour moved into the flat below me and seems to have his tv on so loud that I can hear it droning on and on. It's not realistically that loud and never disturbs me after 11pm so I know the issue is mine and not his. I just get that horrible fear every time I hear it, worrying it will keep me awake at night and disturb me forever. I feel trapped and not comfortable in my own home. I'm trying to be rational and know it might pass and the sounds might bother me once the anxiety has passed.

    Has anyone been here where a neighbour's noise triggers terrible anxiety in them but now no longer bothers them? I'm just looking for some reassurance that this horrible feeling won't last forever.

  2. #2

    Re: Neighbour's tv triggering anxiety

    Noises that bother are louder that others. That might sound weird but it’s true. When I’m stressed, it’s as if someone’s turned the volume dial up to 11. I’ve found a clock ticking to be too loud when stressed.

    With that and being on edge, yes. I’ve experienced anxiety like yours. Of course we’re all different and my experience is likely to differ from yours. But perhaps a bit similar ☺️☺️

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Neighbour's tv triggering anxiety

    Thanks for your reply, I definitely know what you mean, it's like in panic mode your senses are super heightened so sounds probably seem worse than they really are. I did read that anxiety makes you more sensitive to sound. Just wish I could talk to myself this rationally when in the middle of a meltdown lol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Neighbour's tv triggering anxiety

    I can relate to this as I am feeling increasingly on edge whilst walking my dog around our estate just lately, which is generally a pleasant, respectable area, but with all the horror stories in the media lately about the police fearing a potential 'summer of rage' this year, particularly in response to the economic situation and pent-up frustrations during the current lockdown, I am increasingly hypervigilant towards witnessing confrontations of any kind, such as domestics, children and dogs being beaten and/or sworn at loudly, rows between neighbours and general ASB between youths. Also hearing loud music from both homes and vehicles, plus hearing souped-up cars revving and being driven aggressively really gives me the willies just lately.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Neighbour's tv triggering anxiety

    Oh I'm the same on the music from cars and loud engines! Who knows why these things set us on edge so much?! I find myself looking at other people and almost being jealous that they don't have this issue! Which is crazy cause everyone's got some kind of worry and I'm grateful mine are small in tie grand scheme. It helps to know others with anxiety struggle with the same stuff, thanks. Hopefully we're both feeling a bit more rational soon.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Neighbour's tv triggering anxiety

    Quote Originally Posted by SG View Post
    Oh I'm the same on the music from cars and loud engines! Who knows why these things set us on edge so much?! I find myself looking at other people and almost being jealous that they don't have this issue! Which is crazy cause everyone's got some kind of worry and I'm grateful mine are small in tie grand scheme. It helps to know others with anxiety struggle with the same stuff, thanks. Hopefully we're both feeling a bit more rational soon.
    I think during tough times people have always had a tendency to act out and behave more irrationally than they normally would otherwise (not referring to you BTW).

    It does feel a little bit like the hostile climate of 2008-11 all over again when we had the Global Financial Crisis and of course the Swine Flu pandemic, all of which put a lot of people on edge back then.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Re: Neighbour's tv triggering anxiety

    I can relate very much to this!!

    Where we used to live, there was a huge problem with ‘boy racers’.. it was relentless much of the time. It really triggered my anxiety. Urgh.. even just thinking about it now!
    So although not caused by my neighbours, I understand that feeling of not being able to relax in your own home.
    Sorry I can not be of much help but you’re definitely not alone.

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