Quote Originally Posted by 4bready View Post
Thanks for the response...So I did try gin-gins and supplement that had vit B6 but it didn't help. I also had insomnia issues with trintellix. AS far as Prozac (40mg), Lexapro (10mg) I was on those for at least 6 months to a 1-2 years and I almost always had sleep issues, irritability. I would fall asleep no problem then wake up 3 hours later and be up for like 2-3 hours. It didn't matter if I took in morning or evening.
SSRI/SNRI induced insomnia is quite common, at least in the beginning. It usually diminishes after some weeks, but can linger for some.

SSRIs/SNRIs are not the only ADs, or arguably the most effective. Given your history you may respond better to one of the older TCA antidepressants such as amitriptyline (Elavil) which also has considerable antihistamine properties. Something to consider should mirtazapine not work for you.

So mirtazapine is an anti histamine? I have high histamine issues as well.
It is a more potent antihistamine than some meds marketed as antihistamines.