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Thread: Right sided discomfort

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Right sided discomfort

    Hi all
    For the past week or so I've been having discomfort in my right sided, just below my rib to the right side of my belly button.
    It's not a pain as such but more a fullness/discomfort. It's worse usually when sat down and I've no idea what's causing it?
    Has anyone else had this?
    I've done the obvious Google which has me worried its either to do with my liver or pancreas!
    Any responses are greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Right sided discomfort

    Sorry, has anyone suffered with this before? Trying not to spiral!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Right sided discomfort

    Do not spiral. I had that some pain/ discomfort ( not real pain I would say, but some strange sensation and discomfort) at the exact same spot. Being what I am, I quickly worked myself up into huge anxiety about liver and similar, to the point that my doctor ordered full blood and other tests. There was nothing there, and slowly but surely that discomfort disappeared. Really, do not think anything bad at all, eventually my doctor told me that often they can not even pinpoint why such various pains show up, and then disappear. Again, I was really worried because it lasted since November. And then it stopped. I believe the reason it eventually stopped is that my mind stopped focusing on it. ( of course, there is always something else, but I am managing). Best of luck to you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Right sided discomfort

    Thanks loads for your reply Lana! You've reassured me. Yeah I'm super paranoid it's my liver but I'm thinking my fixation on it is making it worse. Hopefully it will just pass!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Right sided discomfort

    Getting concerned this could be pancreatic cancer as my digestion has been off.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Right sided discomfort

    I've had what feels like a sharp scratch in the same place for the last 6 months. I try my best to rationalise so as it hasn't got any worse I've put it down as being IBS which I know I have. Do you think this might be something you suffer with? IBS is so common in people who have stress and anxiety so it would be much more likely than cancer.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Right sided discomfort

    Hi @melie1818
    Have you had any nausea or any other symptoms with it? I do suffer with ibs which is always worse when I'm feeling anxious or stressed. I really feel there is something there though. I've wondered about the possibility of gallstones?
    I'm hoping to get an appointment with the doctors to get it checked out though. Have you seen a doctor?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Right sided discomfort

    Hi guys

    I'm trying not to spiral as I thought I had gotten better. But the feeling of fullness has returned after a week or so and I'm sure my BM looked paler than normal this morning (Sorry TMI). I'm convinced that I either have liver cancer or liver metastases and I'm really trying not to panic. I'm wondering if anyone else can relate to help me not freak!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Right sided discomfort

    Anybody at all?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Right sided discomfort

    Hi Worried,

    I get it, I was just where you were. I had this right sided pain that was dull but it started right underneath my right rib. However the pain also radiated into my back and yet also it did make it's way sometimes down beside my belly button on the right as well. I have had this pain everyday on and off since January 25. Reason I know this is because I keep a diary since I started my diet. I also had very itchy hands and feet. So of course this sent me into a tailspin
    Since Christmas I had been eating a lot of crap and I was convinced it was liver/diabetes related. We are shut down here so going to see a doctor was going to be a wait. Anyhow to make a long story short I finally got my blood tests done. but by the time that happened I had given up all sugar. no diabetes, nothing stood out on the blood tests either. Finally they gave me an ultrasound which came back clear. I think my symptoms are a bit different to yours but I think mine now is intestinal related. SIBO causes this kind of pain. (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) In fact especially where you are feeling it. I think they do a breath test for it. I have had several friends with very similar problems. Gallbladder cause a lot of pain higher up. You might want to lay off any dairy and definitely alcohol, and yes anything that is inflammatory. My doctor told me if it were an ulcer it would be up in the middle of the ribs. It's a very good sign that your bloods came back normal in that area. It would show up it if were your liver. Just go and get a scan to set your mind at ease. I was in a complete panic and the ultrasound scared me for sure but once they said it was ok, I still have my pain but nowhere near what I was feeling when I was hysterically checking. I have health anxiety however it got worse this time around because of COVID. Every test you need to get medically you have to wait twice as long for right now and that alone can cause anxiety. And also with my anxious brain I was nervous to go to the hospital thinking here I am putting myself in Covid territory by going. But seriously, they screen so highly and I am ok and doing much better since I got checked out. The pain is still there but I know it's probably just digestive and not a major organ.

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