Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
Oh he's 35 so not a little one! He was born with major organ abnormalities so is used to hospitals etc.

I'm sure it won't be long before you're back to your pre-lockdown weight and back on the pitch again! Interesting that you've actually gained weight despite fearing all sorts of nasty diseases!
Oh right, sorry, completely wrong end of the stick. Assumed he was much younger! Sound he's had a very tough life, and must have been hard on you. Hope you get good news following the colonoscopy.

I've rung the doctors today anyway, as I've had chronic spinal/back pain for almost 6 months now. The pain is in the same spot, so I'm concerned I've got some spinal degeneration or athritis. I do have a bad habit of sleeping on the sofa 4/5 nights a week because the kids still like coming into our main bed, so dunno if I've caused myself damage.