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Thread: Squint op- Anxiety

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Squint op- Anxiety

    I have a squint, it was operated on as a child but a few years ago It came back as expected. My eyesight is perfect and not affected in the slighted however it means I have a slightly wonky eye. Some people don’t notice however some do. I have an op due next week to have it corrected and I’m not sure what to do as it is basically cosmetic and just to strengthen the muscle so both eye look completely straight. Problem is, last time I had an op (hernia) I became very ill after with anxiety and even lost a job! Long story but although the op was fine, my brain couldn’t deal with it and It ruined me for months. My wife does is worried this will do the same even though I had CBT since. I hate hospitals and even having blood pressure taken is awful for me which sounds pathetic. My close friends don’t think I need it and a couple just think it’s a quirk. My wife says she barely notices my eyes and even my children say the same. It used to knock my confidence but I am in a comfortable job now and it doesn’t bother me as much. I am so stuck, do Ieave it or for the sake of an hour op do I just get it done? I am indecisive as it is. I had a preop booked for this morning but cancelled it and now I feel bad about that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Squint op- Anxiety

    I'm also badly phobic about medical stuff; if it's not bothering you or your loved ones, why put yourself through that sort of upset? It's not just an hour if it's going to leave you distraught for days and weeks before or after?

    If it was something that would seriously impact on your health then of course you should go for it, but this doesn't sound like that at all.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Squint op- Anxiety

    I agree with Blue.

    My son had a few ops to correct a convergent and a divergent squint as a child but it always came back. If your eyesight's unaffected and you're not bothered about it at all then what's the point of putting yourself through cosmetic surgery? Especially now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Squint op- Anxiety

    Think that’s how I see it. Potentially I may not be affected like last time but I cannot be 100%. I think the cons of having it done outweigh the positives. I feel anxious just thinking about it. It definitely does not bother anyone loved ones. I myself make a joke of it most of the time and have no issue. Having it done will have no impact on the health of the eyes at all and as with any op there is a slight risk.

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