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Thread: Stress of taking meds cause of side effects!

  1. #1

    Stress of taking meds cause of side effects!

    Hi everyone,

    I have for the past few years been suffering anxiety and panic attacks and it has got so bad now that I cant go to work or let my partner leave me on my own, which has got to get better soon else my partner will end up losing his job. The doc has given me Citrolapram to take but I am so scared of the side effects I can't take them but I need to do something as I need to feel better pretty soon!

    Can anyone tell me how long the side effects last for or suggest a pill that will work better?? She has given me diazapam which has helped but I cant take that anymore as its addictive.

    Many thanks!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Stress of taking meds cause of side effects!

    Hi Simon,
    Reading from your post, who's to say you're going to experience side effects anyhow? By all means, only a proportion of ppl who take meds experience them, and often they pass within the first few weeks. The reason they print all the poss side effects on the slip of paper with the pills is to cover themselves for legal reasons, even if only one in 100,000 ever reported experiencing them. If I were you, I'd give them to your partner to hide, so without reading the blurb, you won't start worrying you might have them. Unfortunately, with anti-depressants there's no way of telling how they might help, as they all do different things for different people, so you can only try the citalopram and see. Diazepam is good, however, if you only take it infrequently, eg. once a month in emergencies, you're unlikely to become addicted. Sorry to hear about your partner's dilemma-is there anyone else who could sit with you or ppl who could take it in turns?
    Take care and best of luck with your new meds,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Stress of taking meds cause of side effects!


    I can't give you anything positive about meds to be honest - I hate them all and Citalopram made me feel 10 times worse than I did.

    I know the side-effects lessen in time but I had to work at the time and couldn't do it and be on them. I stopped them after 1 week.

    For me the way forward is more the therapy route and exercise and diet and relaxation. Have you tired all of these?

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  4. #4

    Re: Stress of taking meds cause of side effects!

    Thanks sarah, and nicola.

    I must say in my heart of hearts I think I'm going to have to try it without the pills. My partner wants me to take them but I think personally I can do it without the pills and will get over this better that way in the long run. Nicola I have had one session of cbt and am going to start eatin healthy and do some exercise even if its in the house! :-) I think i just have to start thinking more positively and get all these negative thoughts outta my head! Easier said than done though!

    Thanks the advice I so much really appreciate it!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Stress of taking meds cause of side effects!

    Good luck Simon, you'll be much stronger if you can do it without!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Wink Re: Stress of taking meds cause of side effects!

    hiya, after many months of anxiety i finally caved in and was prescribed the same drugs as you. I have been on 10mgs for 2 weeks and moved up to 20 this monday just gone. I too was really worried about the side effects and have tried to do without meds. Anyway so far other than the odd bout of mild indegestion i havent had any!! I know you may be different but you could give it a go.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Stress of taking meds cause of side effects!

    Just a thought but you could try kalms as well. They really helped me. also have you tried Rescue Remedy.

    I'm the same as Nicola, meds never really did anything for me but the Kalms took the edge off.

  8. #8

    Re: Stress of taking meds cause of side effects!

    thanks pauline I think I will give the kalms ago.

    Thanks for the advice its very much appreciated.

    Simon xxxxx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Stress of taking meds cause of side effects!

    Hi Simon, it's different for everyone. For me meds have been a godsend and I'll take them forever if necessary. I suppose the main thing is for you to have a balanced view before you make a decision along with your doctor.

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