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Thread: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

  1. #531
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches and migraines

    Vision disturbances: Not really

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Sometirmes

    Toothaches: Yes

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - nerve pain

    Facial numbness: Sometimes. ‘This always freaks me out.

    Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: Not really

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle finger?)

    Hands trembling: Yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sometimes hard to breathe.

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Sometimes.

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower and shoulder pain.

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): It’s happened a few times.

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): I don’t check because it freaks me out.

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all the time.
    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Occasionally
    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - esp if I’m stressed
    Frequent urination: Yes. All the time.

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - jelly legs

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes in shoulder area.

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness: No

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Occasionally

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes inner shakiness

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - face gets hot.

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes.

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes all the time. It’s constant

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes a lot

    Chronic fatigue: Not usually

    Overall feeling of being "off": sometimes

    Feeling clumsy:no

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes I have depression and am on treatment
    Irritable / impatient: Yes

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, happens a lot.

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: not usually

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: I have HA. That’s def a phobia.

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes all the time

    Insomnia: yes yes yes

    Finally, how old are you? 45
    How old do you feel?: Mentally, 35 Physically, 55


  2. #532
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: Occasionally - more often than not before my period starts

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

    Toothaches: No

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

    Facial numbness: No

    Adult acne: Yes

    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: No

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle finger?)

    Hands trembling: No

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Happened a month ago (dull discomfort) but hasn't happened again since so far

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: No

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Middle/lower back pain very occasionally

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Left rib discomfort, on and off

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Occasionally
    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No
    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes but nil blood, colour is pretty normal these days
    Frequent urination: Occasionally

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Have had it before but hasn't had it again so far

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Eczema sometimes

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

    Overall weakness: No

    Feeling like you're about to faint: No

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: No

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Only about health specifically

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: No

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Sometimes

    Chronic fatigue: No

    Overall feeling of being "off": Occasionally

    Feeling clumsy: No

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

    Irritable / impatient: Most of the time

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Sometimes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: Phobia of death, and I'm also not a fan of flying though I won't class it as a phobia

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

    Insomnia: No

    Finally, how old are you? 27
    How old do you feel?: Sometimes 21, sometimes 60


  3. #533

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: Yep

    Vision disturbances: Yep

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yep

    Toothaches: No

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yep

    Facial numbness: Yeah

    Adult acne: I think I'm just cursed with this any way.

    Difficulty swallowing: All. The. Time.

    Ringing in ears/pain: More of a buzzing

    TMJ: Don't think so?

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yeah

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Right arm

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Not for a long time (queue next episode in 5. 4. 3. 2....)

    Hands trembling: Yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Only very slightly

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yeah. All of the above

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yeah. I hate palpitations the most.

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yeah lower

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Very rare but it has happened

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Not really

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yep

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yep. Anxiety induced IBS. I love life.

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes ramdonly

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): All apart from blood.

    Frequent urination: Nope

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Nope. Currently have a vein worry though. That stories for another time

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yeah

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Nope

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yeah. Itching.

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes and on both sides

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes :(

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes. All the time.

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes :(

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Constantly

    Chronic fatigue: Not really

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: From time to time

    Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Sometimes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Often

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: I had agoraphobia hard core for years and managed to start getting myself together. Even went on holiday! Then *bang* lockdown happened. Nearly back to square one.

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

    Insomnia: No

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    In my head, younger. In my body, much older.

  4. #534

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

    Vision disturbances: Yes

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): NO

    Toothaches: No

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

    Facial numbness: Yes

    Adult acne: No

    Difficulty swallowing: Yes

    Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

    TMJ: Yes

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - left

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes

    Hands trembling: Yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - upper& middle

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - right side

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes

    Frequent urination: No

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis):Yes - itching

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

    Irritable / impatient: Always

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Always

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes, many phobias!

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

    Insomnia: No

    Finally, how old are you? 24

    How old do you feel?:

  5. #535
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Posting here for the fourth time. I'm making this my exposure therapy and hopefully bumping this up will give something a thread for someone to write in to deal with their own problems.

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - tension headaches

    Vision disturbances: Yes - right side gets blurry sometimes when I blink, watery eyes cause some disturbances

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes, some sort of allergy I don't know the origin of.

    Toothaches: One, I don't know if it's due to TMD/TMJ or whatnot but my mental health/anxiety has gone downhill the past few weeks.

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes, nerve pain in one of my teeth (a molar I now have a crown on)

    Facial numbness: No

    Adult acne: Yes

    Difficulty swallowing: Some, possibly due to TMD/TMJ

    Ringing in ears/pain: Tinnitus gotten louder in my right side since last year, got really loud when I had another HA flare in October

    TMJ: Most likely now, going to see ENT and dentist this week about it

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes, everywhere.

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

    Hands trembling: Action tremor, diagnosed Essential Tremor

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):
    Tiny minor discoloration

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain like nerve pain occasionally on sternum - costochondritis (look it up, it's actually pretty common in those of us with anxiety and it is not heart related)

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Sometimes

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Middle and lower, and upper

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): On left/right mid-ribs if I press down

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): N/A

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Psoriasis/itchiness

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes, indigestion/acid reflux

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Hemorrhoids, occasional diarrhea

    Frequent urination: Yes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Muscles around neck hurts, some pain in my cheeks near TMJ

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Some burning feet

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Lots of self-inflicted joint pain from sitting too much and using my mobile phone too much.

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Hives that goes away if I take antihistamine, seborrheic dermatitis (flaking on my face), skin tags

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: "Traveling" pains around neck

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Rarely

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Often around knees

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Balls of my feet, not the heel but the ones near the front

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Sometimes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Sometimes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes, stopped enjoying the things I usually enjoyed. Can't play or do my hobbies that usually give me enjoyment.

    Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Sometimes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Occasionally

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: No

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes - health anxiety.

    Insomnia: Partial - no problems falling asleep but I wake up in the middle of the night.

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, 20. Physically, 40's


    At my worst phase for health anxiety and have been dealing with it for over a month and a half.
    Just keep going folks. It may be difficult, but it's worth it!

  6. #536

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: No

    Vision disturbances: Yes, can go blurry

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): No

    Toothaches: No

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

    Facial numbness: Yes

    Adult acne: No, unless it's PMS time

    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes, now and again

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

    Hands trembling: Yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):
    Yes - think its Covid Nails

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - indigestion

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No

    Frequent urination: Yes, drink too much tea

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion, muscles ache from constant tensing

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes, but more fear of panic attacks than depression

    Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: Agoraphobia

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

    Insomnia: Yes

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, 25. Physically, 45.

  7. #537

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Headaches/migraines: No

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

    Toothaches: No

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - Bleeding

    Facial numbness: No

    Adult acne: No

    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: No

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes On occassion

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes

    Hands trembling: No

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure all usually in evening

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Racing on occassion

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - Sensitive

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas - massive amounts

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - flat stools

    Frequent urination: Yes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness on occasion, Cramps

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Occassional Toe Cramp

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - Stiffness/Cramp

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: No

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Top of chest

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Sometimes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No - Try to carry on with Activities

    Irritable / impatient: Always

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes as well!

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: No - although get anxious about meetings, new things etc

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes - all the time!

    Insomnia: No

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Before this 30, now about 55

    Comments: Please let this stop.......

  8. #538
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Headaches/migraines: sometimes

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

    Toothaches: No

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes sometimes Bleeding gums

    Facial numbness: No

    Adult acne: No

    Difficulty swallowing: lump in throat sensation

    Ringing in ears/pain: sometimes

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: no

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

    Hands trembling: yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): no

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: no

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea):yes acid reflux, indigestion,

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - suffer with ulcerative colitis

    Frequent urination: Yes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - tight muscles, twitching

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: big toe odd sensory sensation pain

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - Stiffness/Cramp

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis):No

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: No

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes shakiness

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: hands and ears

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes health anxiety

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: sometimes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": when health anxiety is at its worst

    Chronic fatigue: no

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: sometimes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

    Irritable / impatient: sometimes

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): no

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: no

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: arachnophobia

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes constantly checking body parts / symptoms,

    Insomnia: yes

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    more like 50!

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