Quote Originally Posted by StressedEric View Post
Had 7.5mg (half tab) last night. Today got very loud tinittus which has lasted all day. Maybe its worse if thinking of it but it SO hard not to as so loud. Surely I wouldn't have such withdrawal after only 6 days????
I doubt it is withdrawal, both because of the short time you've been taking mirtazapine, but also it has a longish half-life, up to 40 hours, so there will will have been little change in plasma levels yet.

Tinnitus being may worse if you think about it suggests psychology is a factor. Just about any side-effect is possible when taking an AD, but it would be very unlikely to occur with all of them as they have wildly different modes of action. Mirtazapine has little in common chemically, or in the receptors it targets, with SSRIs, for example.