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Thread: Bulbar AlS Terrified!

  1. #1

    Bulbar AlS Terrified!

    Hello All,

    I really need some help/opinions. The past 8 months I have been having horrible Bulbar symptoms that I am convinced are related to ALS. My voice has become noticeably more nasally, I知 short of breath, and my soft palate has not been function correctly. I have been having difficulty swallowing, it looks like saliva is leaking from the sides of my Palate and my voice squeaks when I talk sometimes and it feels like the palate has not been vibrating evenly. Over the past month I have developed the sensation of food going up my noise and a burning sensation in the nostrils. I saw a neruo last week who gave me a full neurological assessment and claimed that there was no evidence of Bulbar pathology but I知 convinced he missed something, prior to this I have been to the ER twice, urgent care 3 times and an ENT when I first started developing symptoms. All that was found was maybe some evidence of LPR.

    I am at the end of my rope, having crying spells everyday. This is ruining my life!

    Should I push for an EMG? I have another appointment with a ENT next Friday.

    Could it be anxiety? Please help!

    I am a 27 year old male with no family history of neurological problems. I do suffer from Migraine with Aura

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Bulbar AlS Terrified!

    Eeeeeerrrrrm. Yes it could be anxiety. But I suspect my telling you this won’t help since a neurologist telling you didn’t!!

  3. #3

    Re: Bulbar AlS Terrified!

    Quote Originally Posted by jojo2316 View Post
    Eeeeeerrrrrm. Yes it could be anxiety. But I suspect my telling you this won稚 help since a neurologist telling you didn稚!!
    I know I知 being irrational, I知 just having every symptom of it, it feels like liquids get stuck between my throat and my nose when I swallow. I知 just not convinced the mind is strong enough to give you symptoms that mimic a specific disease to a T. I hope I知 wrong though lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Bulbar AlS Terrified!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dcf93 View Post
    I know I’m being irrational, I’m just having every symptom of it, it feels like liquids get stuck between my throat and my nose when I swallow. I’m just not convinced the mind is strong enough to give you symptoms that mimic a specific disease to a T. I hope I’m wrong though lol
    The mind is absolutely strong enough. When I went to a neurologist about als concerns she told me a good proportion of people she sees have somatic neurological disorders…… entirely “real” in terms of symptoms but created entirely in the mind. In fact I also read a book on it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

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