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Thread: Starting at 50mg per day next week

  1. #1

    Starting at 50mg per day next week

    I am stopping trazodone due to side affects.
    The GP on the phone today said pregabalin is a very good medication for anxiety.
    So I’m looking forward to seeing what it is like.

    What are your thoughts on this medication will it be a life saver?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Starting at 50mg per day next week


    Trazodone stopped working for me ages ago and I didn't like the feeling of being zonked the next day.

    I found gabapentin to be helpful for a little while, but I don't know I'd say it was a life saver. It could be me, but meds tend to poop out after a while on me.

    Worth a try though and hope you find it helpful. Are you supposed to take it regularly or just as needed?

  3. #3

    Re: Starting at 50mg per day next week

    Quote Originally Posted by Scissel73 View Post

    Trazodone stopped working for me ages ago and I didn't like the feeling of being zonked the next day.

    I found gabapentin to be helpful for a little while, but I don't know I'd say it was a life saver. It could be me, but meds tend to poop out after a while on me.

    Worth a try though and hope you find it helpful. Are you supposed to take it regularly or just as needed?
    Thanks so much for your reply I really appreciate the time you have taken out of your day to send me a message.
    What way did trazodone stop working for you?
    To be honest for me it sent me a bit haywire, mad anxiety and then at night time felt I was loosing my mind. So glad I’m stopping it.

    Are you still on gabapentin? Or what are you on for anxiety?
    I’ll be taking this daily as my anxiety is a mess at the moment unfortunately, I don’t mind taking it long term if it sorts me out

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Starting at 50mg per day next week

    You're quite welcome.

    The trazodone used to put me to sleep for years and after a while it started to actually (as you said) cause anxiety city throughout the day.

    No I'm no longer on gabapentin. It got me through some rough times though. Worth a try and if it helps you manage the insomnia/anxiety that will be great, but, unfortunately, these GABA meds just have a way (as I'm sure you've read) to level themselves out and our brains get used to it. I'm actually on clonazepam and luckily it still works, but I try to cut back when I can because I don't want to up the dosage anymore. Its strange because I'm on an AD and my anxiety isn't managed well and we're thinking about either going back to Sertraline at a higher dosage (which caused side effects) or try something else.

    Anyway, we are all different and YMMV, so I wish you luck with starting this med

  5. #5
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Starting at 50mg per day next week

    Quote Originally Posted by irishman7 View Post
    What are your thoughts on this medication will it be a life saver?
    Pregabalin does essentially the same thing as benzodiazepines (BZDs), just from a different direction. BZDs work by increasing the infux of negatively charged ions into neurons making it harder for them to raise their internal voltages to the 'firing' threshold. Pregabalin (and gabapentin) achieve the same result by inhibiting the infux of positively charged calcium ions.

    Like the BZDs tolerance can be an issue, although it is usually slower to begin, as are difficult withdrawals. If you read previous posts in this sub you'll see that not many are on pregabalin alone. Imho, if ADs work they are a better bet.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  6. #6

    Re: Starting at 50mg per day next week

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Pregabalin does essentially the same thing as benzodiazepines (BZDs), just from a different direction. BZDs work by increasing the infux of negatively charged ions into neurons making it harder for them to raise their internal voltages to the 'firing' threshold. Pregabalin (and gabapentin) achieve the same result by inhibiting the infux of positively charged calcium ions.
    So today is my 3rd day on pregabalin and I notice a nice relaxed feeling each day. Its amazing how similar it is to Xanax! So basically when you say they make it harder for neurone to raise the voltage does that mean since they can't go high voltage our minds become levelled out in a relaxed state?

    Im really fascinated to learn about this and your very knowledgeable in this area so im happy to learn from you

  7. #7
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Starting at 50mg per day next week

    Quote Originally Posted by irishman7 View Post
    So basically when you say they make it harder for neurone to raise the voltage does that mean since they can't go high voltage our minds become levelled out in a relaxed state?
    Neurons depolarise ('fire') when their internal voltage climbs from a resting potential of around -70mV to about +40mV relative to the external volts. Drugs like the BZDs and pregabalin make this harder to achieve which slows down the firing rate and we experience this as sedation.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  8. #8
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    Jul 2019

    Re: Starting at 50mg per day next week

    Quote Originally Posted by irishman7 View Post
    ...Im really fascinated to learn about this and your very knowledgeable in this area so im happy to learn from you
    Hi there, I'm also quite fascinated and hope to learn more myself as I'm struggling to break free from benzodiazepines and would love to find another way. Panic_Down_Under really knows his stuff when it comes to the way meds work in the brain.

    I'm glad you feeling more relaxed, though. So you used to take Xanax? I was horribly addicted to that and quitting it was pure hell to say the very least ... even worse than alcohol. Speaking of which, I hope you won't drink while on this medication, trust me on that one.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2019

    Re: Starting at 50mg per day next week

    Quite honestly, I'm about ready to stand in a lightning storm with an umbrella to get my Neurons going.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Starting at 50mg per day next week

    Quote Originally Posted by Scissel73 View Post
    So you used to take Xanax? I was horribly addicted to that and quitting it was pure hell to say the very least ... even worse than alcohol.
    Switching to a longer half-life BZD like diazepam and tapering off it is usually easier.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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