I'm pretty far in to the MND rabbit hole at the moment over it all. I know better than to google "ALS symptoms" for fear of finding "swallowing difficulties" there. It wasn't until I searched for swallowing issues on *this* forum to see if anyone had this as an anxiety symptom and then they say they're worried about ALS. Funnily enough, I have no concerns about it being a tumour/cancer related.

In saying that, I've had a re-read through the "Als and why you don't have it" sticky this morning and it has helped a bit, especially the section re: swallowing/food getting stuck and how that's not a typical initial symptom. It's just a bit annoying when others respond with "oh but I read this article about someone where it was gradual" bla bla. But I have improved a bit today, thankfully. I have been through this MND worry before, 3 and a half years ago, with 'perceived' weakness (my anxiety has caused me a lot of neuro symptoms over the last 10/11 years which started during an abusive relationship). It's so annoying because I know I'm being irrational, and i am quite a logical person in other aspects of my life!

I can't wait to look back on these posts in the future and realise how ridiculous I was being I appreciate you taking the time to reply to me - it really helps to vent to someone that understands anxiety. My mum has been a great support but she has a lot going on right now herself and I feel so guilty for causing her additional stress!