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Thread: Mirtazapine Startiing after Sert Pooped-Out - Searching for Positive Stories Please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Mirtazapine Startiing after Sert Pooped-Out - Searching for Positive Stories Please

    Hi Everyone

    I am due to start 15mg of Mirtazapine shortly after Sertraline pooped-out on me after I'd been taking it successfully for many years. I'm looking for any positive stories anyone can give me as I have really bad anxiety and depression. I've read so many horror stories all over the place I am absolutely terrified.

    I know these things are all trial and error, take time and it won't work for everyone, but I would just like to hear something good in order to give me a bit of hope. I would be especially interested in anyone who has felt better on this after Sertraline or another SSRI had pooped-out on them.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Mirtazapine Startiing after Sert Pooped-Out - Searching for Positive Stories Plea

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyke View Post
    I am due to start 15mg of Mirtazapine shortly after Sertraline pooped-out on me after I'd been taking it successfully for many years.
    Is sertraline the only AD you've been on till now and were you under greater than normal stress when it pooped-out?

    I've read so many horror stories all over the place I am absolutely terrified.
    Then stop doing it. People mostly post about the relatively few bad experiences, often through the distorting lens of anxiety, not the many, many more positive experiences.

    I know these things are all trial and error, take time and it won't work for everyone, but I would just like to hear something good in order to give me a bit of hope.
    Mirtazapine is more a potent sedating antihistamine than AD so tends to begin easing anxiety sooner than other ADs. Side-effects are usually less than for the others too, sedation being the main one.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3
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    Jul 2019

    Re: Mirtazapine Startiing after Sert Pooped-Out - Searching for Positive Stories Plea

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyke View Post
    ... Sertraline pooped-out on me after I'd been taking it successfully for many years.
    Hi; Tyke.. I found myself in a similar situation after being on Sertraline for years and only recently this year switched, but am now back on Sert at a higher dosage. My APRN feels its a good match for what I'm dealing with. I supposes (to be frank) the reason I don't tolerate higher dosages is because of the sexual side effects (libido). Are you still on an AD along with the Mirtazapine?

    Hope your new med helps you.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2019

    Re: Mirtazapine Startiing after Sert Pooped-Out - Searching for Positive Stories Plea

    Oh and I was on Mirtazapine and I didn't have any bad reactions to it, but It didn't work all that well for me. Worth a try though.

  5. #5
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    Re: Mirtazapine Startiing after Sert Pooped-Out - Searching for Positive Stories Plea

    Thanks for your replies folks. Much appreciated.

    Panic Down Under:

    I’ve only ever been on the AD Sertraline. I probably was under more stress when it failed, but I went up to 150mg after my usual 50mg had worked previously, with no difference at all. I know these things do take time, but I had been on the higher dose for a couple of months and felt no benefit whatsoever. Taking it previously I had always felt something during this amount of time. Usually side effects initially before some therapeutic benefit around 4-6 weeks in.

    I take your point about people posting their negative experiences. I guess it’s human nature for us to shout out when something isn’t right and not to bother posting at all when we are doing okay.

    I think my GP is probably hoping to get me some relief from the anxiety sooner rather than later. It does seem like a reasonable choice from what you have said about how Mirtazapine works.


    I know what you mean about the sexual side effects when on ADs. In my case I am prepared to pretty much let that side of things go if it means sorting my head out. You could try taking something else additionally to try and help with that occasionally? Can I ask what your doses where when you decided to quit Sertraline and what dose you are taking now? Are you getting any improvement at that level yet and if so how long was it before you noticed it? I know you can go up to 200mg on Sert.

  6. #6
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Mirtazapine Startiing after Sert Pooped-Out - Searching for Positive Stories Plea

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyke View Post
    I’ve only ever been on the AD Sertraline. I probably was under more stress when it failed, but I went up to 150mg after my usual 50mg had worked previously, with no difference at all. I know these things do take time, but I had been on the higher dose for a couple of months and felt no benefit whatsoever. Taking it previously I had always felt something during this amount of time. Usually side effects initially before some therapeutic benefit around 4-6 weeks in.
    I might have given it 12 weeks, but the odds were probably only 50:50 at best at that point.

    I think my GP is probably hoping to get me some relief from the anxiety sooner rather than later. It does seem like a reasonable choice from what you have said about how Mirtazapine works.
    As a quick acting break, yes. Only time will tell if it'll be effective long-term.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2019

    Re: Mirtazapine Startiing after Sert Pooped-Out - Searching for Positive Stories Plea

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyke View Post


    I know what you mean about the sexual side effects when on ADs. In my case I am prepared to pretty much let that side of things go if it means sorting my head out. You could try taking something else additionally to try and help with that occasionally? Can I ask what your doses where when you decided to quit Sertraline and what dose you are taking now? Are you getting any improvement at that level yet and if so how long was it before you noticed it? I know you can go up to 200mg on Sert.
    Hi .. Yes, same here I had to just let that go (figuratively and literally speaking). Unfortunately, because I also have heart trouble, I'm not able to take anything for that. I'm not sexually active anyway. I was on 100mg for years and each time I increased the dosage I started to feel worse. I guess its just depressing to have no libido. I'm currently on 125mg and doing *okay* but I hesitate to jump up to 150 again. I tried switching to Escitalopram but didn't have much success so I'm back to what worked before.

  8. #8
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Mirtazapine Startiing after Sert Pooped-Out - Searching for Positive Stories Plea

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyke View Post
    I know what you mean about the sexual side effects when on ADs. In my case I am prepared to pretty much let that side of things go if it means sorting my head out. You could try taking something else additionally to try and help with that occasionally?
    Some suggestions which may help: Re: Libido ...loss of
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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