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Thread: Dark doom feelings thanatophibia

  1. #1


    I’m wondering what else I can do dread/doom feeling it’s came back with a vengeance and I really don’t know how to cope anymore I honestly feel like I’m loosing control like i can’t stop these thoughts or feelings anymore it’s gotten that bad I’m even waking up in the middle of the night with the intense feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach that something terrible is going to happen or that I’m going to die everything around me feels doomy and dark like the world is ending or something looking at my belongings fills me with dread and doom everything just feels so horrible and off/wrong I don’t know what’s happening to me but I’m filled with intense fear constantly when I get these feelings it’s like adrenaline running through my body makes my body burn it comes straight from the gut then my heart sometimes races and I automatically feel I’m dying I don’t get any other physical symptoms just that feeling I can’t cope any longer I feel like I can’t be helped please Could you try and give me some advice on these feelings? Like am I really dying is this anxiety I just don’t know anymore it honestly feels so real and I’m waiting to die 😭😭😭 my whole world feels different and scary TO ME IT FEELS LIKE INTUITION OR GOD IS GIVING ME A HEADS UP THAT MY TIME IS UP AND I JUST CANT TAKE IT I DONT UNDERSTAND IT EITHER BECAUSE IM USE TO MY ANXIETY AND GETTING CHEST PAIN THINKING IM DYING ETC BUT THIS FEELING FEELS LIKE IS IMMINENT AND ITS HAPPENING WEATHER I LIKE IT OR NOT ITS RUINING ME AS A PERSON I DONT LEAVE MY BED I JUST LAY HERE LIKE A SITTING DUCK WAITING FOR IT TO HAPPEN TO ME IM TERRIFIED HONESTLY ITS SO BAD AND FEELS SO REAL I FEEL LIKE IVE WENT TO THE HOSPITAL AND THEYVE DIAGNOSED ME WITH A TERMINAL ILNESS AND I DONT HAVE LONG LEFT THATS HOW BAD IT IS ITS SO SCARY PEOPLE SAY ITS ANXIETY BUT IVE HAD ANXIETY FOR 10 YEARS IT NEVER FELT LIKE THIS 😭😭 please any advice is so much appreciated

  2. #2

    Dark doom feelings thanatophibia

    What can I can do dread/doom feeling it’s came back with a vengeance and I really don’t know how to cope anymore I honestly feel like I’m loosing control like i can’t stop these thoughts or feelings anymore it’s gotten that bad I’m even waking up in the middle of the night with the intense feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach that something terrible is going to happen or that I’m going to die everything around me feels doomy and dark like the world is ending or something looking at my belongings fills me with dread and doom everything just feels so horrible and off/wrong I don’t know what’s happening to me but I’m filled with intense fear constantly when I get these feelings it’s like adrenaline running through my body makes my body burn it comes straight from the gut then my heart sometimes races and I automatically feel I’m dying I don’t get any other physical symptoms just that feeling I can’t cope any longer I feel like I can’t be helped please Could you try and give me some advice on these feelings? Like am I really dying is this anxiety I just don’t know anymore it honestly feels so real and I’m waiting to die 😭😭😭 my whole world feels different and scary TO ME IT FEELS LIKE INTUITION OR GOD IS GIVING ME A HEADS UP THAT MY TIME IS UP AND I JUST CANT TAKE IT I DONT UNDERSTAND IT EITHER BECAUSE IM USE TO MY ANXIETY AND GETTING CHEST PAIN THINKING IM DYING ETC BUT THIS FEELING FEELS LIKE IS IMMINENT AND ITS HAPPENING WEATHER I LIKE IT OR NOT ITS RUINING ME AS A PERSON I DONT LEAVE MY BED I JUST LAY HERE LIKE A SITTING DUCK WAITING FOR IT TO HAPPEN TO ME IM TERRIFIED HONESTLY ITS SO BAD AND FEELS SO REAL I FEEL LIKE IVE WENT TO THE HOSPITAL AND THEYVE DIAGNOSED ME WITH A TERMINAL ILNESS AND I DONT HAVE LONG LEFT THATS HOW BAD IT IS ITS SO SCARY PEOPLE SAY ITS ANXIETY BUT IVE HAD ANXIETY FOR 10 YEARS IT NEVER FELT LIKE THIS 😭😭 please any advice is so much appreciated

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018


    Take a breath. It's a panic attack, they're awful, it'll pass.

  4. #4


    This lasts the whole day though just the feeling no other symptoms sometimes my heart Dosent even go fast I just feel like that in the pit of my stomach x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    Hey, first of all, I'm really sorry you're going through this right now. I know how awful it can feel, I truly do.

    This sounds exactly like a panic attack. For some people, it can feel like doom closing in on you, while others feel physical pain.

    So, maybe this can help you to calm down, or at least know you're not alone in these feelings. When anxiety reaches a peak, the body needs to release the stress somehow. For some people, this can be in the form of adrenaline rushes, or even chronic fatigue. For others, it can feel like a mental minefield. Lots of stress chemicals, and fight or flight feelings are swimming around in your brain when this happens, and it can 100% conjure up the feeling of impending doom you're talking about. You mind is immediately going to scenarios where you are convinced your time is up, because your system is making a super cocktail of chemicals to tell you that there is danger (even though there is none, its just anxiety). Our brains can't really differentiate what exactly the "danger" is, so when you're in a state of stress or anxiety, it starts perceiving anything and everything as a threat.

    This kind of thing happens to me when I have an OCD flare up. I have these phobias that get triggered, and I will be convinced I've contracted a deadly disease and my days are numbered. I'll sometimes be too afraid to even move off the sofa because I'm so sure more bad things will happen. I feel like my body is dying, and that none of my dreams and hopes will ever be realised. I feel a complete and utter existential terror that is incredibly hard to rationalise as anxiety. But it most certainly is anxiety. It's my own brain making connections that don't exist. Every single one of those feelings are caused by anxiety.

    You mention you've had anxiety for 10 years. Have you had any therapy for it? Do you take any medication for it? Has something happened recently that might have increased your anxiety - this could even be something that only causes low level stress, something you might not even consider all that important. Anxiety likes to overreact to tiny changes sometimes. It also changes as you go through life.

    You're going to be okay Sending virtual hugs!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2022


    Hello, I am also having these problems. I've been to the doctor before, but it didn't help. Medication given was insufficient. I wanted to start exercising, but I was afraid that it might be harmful. Can someone with previous experience provide some insight. Is sports good. Or does it hurt.I would be very happy, if you contact me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2022

    Re: Dark doom feelings thanatophibia

    Hello, I am also having these problems. I've been to the doctor before, but it didn't help. Medication given was insufficient. I wanted to start exercising, but I was afraid that it might be harmful. Can someone with previous experience provide some insight. Is sports good. Or does it hurt.I would be very happy, if you contact me.

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