Quote Originally Posted by erincassells View Post
I'm also appalled at how little male and female doctors alike know about perimenopause or menopause.
Me too! Their answer is to write a prescription for hormone replacement therapy and wave you ta-ta. Only some of us can't take HRT so we're left to struggle with our symptoms.

Also, I really think that girls need to be educated about the menopause as well as periods then they will at least have a head's up of what to expect? Maybe this is a generational thing though? My mother didn't speak to me about the meno (or periods for that matter) and so I was totally unprepared for both..

It's a blast so far.
It's a joy isn't it? You see these books on 'positive menopause' with attractive (and slim) middle-aged models wandering through lavender fields with a smiles on their faces and all I can think of is that they must be on some sweet drugs!

Where are the sweaty-faced women with thinning hair, screwing up their faces because the perfume they've worn for decades suddenly smells like fox piss?

How about the logistics of making one's way through a huge lavender field when slightly allergic and with a temperamental bladder?

White jeans though? That's a plus isn't it? I can finally wear white jeans - risk free!

That said, there's the temperamental bladder...

Holidays? I no longer have to worry about my periods synchronising themselves with my holidays. Instead I have a colon that goes on strike the moment it leaves it's own postcode!!

Then there are those murderous thoughts (re the husband) which happen apparently out of nowhere? But also when I find his smelly socks balled up down the side of the sofa!!

If reincarnation is a thing, I'm coming back as a bloke next time!!