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Thread: magic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I think I am on the right page. Its about social phobia.

    I like to talk to poeple. In the house. Thats all.

    Even if someone calls,a visitor or relation, i can talk forever--- wondering if someone will ask me to SHUT UP or words to that effect
    Normaly a relation will phone and ask if we would like to go out for a meal, or for a drive out to a park etc.
    When the time comes------------- No, i cannot go. I am breathing in and out of a paper bag upsairs.

    As for holidays,thats another story. Can't go now, don't want to go anyway. (so got out of that one)

    I have tablets to take to help. I have been taking the same one for years. they are not working now.
    I hope folk on here think i am miserable but I am not.

    I just wondered if anyone else has the same problem.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: magic

    It might be worth talking to your Gp about a change in medication, counselling and CBT. You probably already have, but it's worth doing it again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: magic

    Quote Originally Posted by Magic View Post
    I think I am on the right page. Its about social phobia.

    I like to talk to poeple. In the house. Thats all.

    Even if someone calls,a visitor or relation, i can talk forever--- wondering if someone will ask me to SHUT UP or words to that effect
    Normaly a relation will phone and ask if we would like to go out for a meal, or for a drive out to a park etc.
    When the time comes------------- No, i cannot go. I am breathing in and out of a paper bag upsairs.

    As for holidays,thats another story. Can't go now, don't want to go anyway. (so got out of that one)

    I have tablets to take to help. I have been taking the same one for years. they are not working now.
    I hope folk on here think i am miserable but I am not.

    I just wondered if anyone else has the same problem.

    I was diagnosed with 'social phobia' when I was about 12. Turns out it's because I'm autistic.

    My school report always said 'Doesn't interact' - which totally confused my parents because I was very loud at home and was invariably in trouble for 'showing off'. I wasn't - it was just a release, and one I was unable to control..

    Can't do phone conversations. Thank God for texting and e-mailing eh! This is how I do 'socialising'.

    I do have an internal script of things to say if I'm spoken to in the street but I don't always use the right one. Oops!

    Good morning!

    Yes, me too! That kind of thing.

    Writing/typing gives my brain chance to search for the right response...

    Th social thing used to be an issue for me. Well, it was an issue for over 40 years to be honest, but once I got my diagnosis and I understood that my social issues are in the hard-wiring so to speak - I just accepted it and I no longer beat myself up for being socially inept. I'm loved and accepted by those who matter, and that'll do me.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: magic

    I certainly don't think that you're miserable, magic. You're distressed by how you feel about "socialising" outside but you're happy to socialise in your own home, on safe ground so is that social phobia or a fear of going out and away from your home?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: magic

    Yes. I think going away from home, with my husband i am ok, The last time we went anywhere was last Christmas , Had to come back in the afternoon i felt so ill. The law was we could visit and stay over. Felt awfull. It's always the same. goodness knows whats going to happen this year. Thank you for your replys x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: magic

    Hope I got this right. I am using my mobile.laptop going in shop for update
    Our daughter came over at the weekend and was asking about Xmas.I said yes, but if the same thing happens like last time to put me in a room and lock the door. She lives 46 miles away.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: magic

    Did you have a bad time last year?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: magic

    Hi Magic , firstly no bugger thinks you’re miserable I hold that title so dont make me fight ya to keep my title , it’s the anticipation that kills our dreams , I’m a big strapping bloke who used to be life and soul of the party , yesterday I got a text inviting me to a birthday drink with my old mates and my heart sank , I’ve seen all of them individually at different times just by chance and like you they can’t shut me up but pre planned events that have no escape route make me sick with worry until I back out and beat myself up , as we get older we should be able to just please ourselves but social pressure forces us into situations we aren’t comfortable in .
    My ideal party is one where I go and see everyone separately at random times but I guess this won’t catch on ,oh that’s right it did last year we called it lockdown , try not to beat yourself too much you are far from alone in your ways and I doubt people will be thinking bad of you .
    Take care

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: magic

    Messages to Catkins and Buster, Sorry I have not replied to you both as my battery in my laptop is very low, (have ordered a new battery.)
    just wanted to say Thank You both. I have not been able to do the things i wanted last year because I have not been out of our house for months.
    Or this year either. Am thinking of doing a bit of decorating to take my mind off things, and thinking of Christmas.
    Dark nights are coming in fast. sending love to you x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: magic

    What room are you going to decorate?

    You don't have to do anything you don't want to, Magic. Look after yourself and don't worry about wretched Christmas

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