Hello Sox..

Advance notice: This isn't medical advice, just personal advice from first hand experience. I'm struggling to cut back on the benzo I'm on and its not easy. Get a pill cutter and learn to the tablets into quarters and do your own taper. You'll know what to do because there is no magic dosage, we're all different and there will never be a good time to get off the benzo. I think you are going through WD and understand this and try other coping skills to deal with that attacks. Best I can say, don't read to much into an attack and allow it to pass.

If you have enough tablets (regular script refill) try (if possible) to do a slow taper. Lorazepam is good but short half-life so keep that in mind when tapering.

I (truly) do wish you well.


EDIT: Sorry about all the mistakes, but I am having a hard time typing.