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Thread: Panel job interview - 4 interviewers!

  1. #1

    Panel job interview - 4 interviewers!

    Hi, I've got a job interview coming up. I suffer from social anxiety pretty badly and am extra terrified than I'd normally be as found out it's a panel interview and there will be 4 interviewers! (It only pays min wage so not sure why there will be so many!!) I'm bad enough one on one so four on one seems impossible to me. I was going to turn it down but family persuaded me to at least give it a go. I honestly am not sure if I will be able to on the day. I have especially bad performance anxiety and one of my main difficulties is getting my words out and talking in proper sentances, it's very humiliating and has happened in the past many times. I'm so worried about them thinking I'm an idiot. I know I have the skills for this job but I just don't do well in these types of situations.

    I'm struggling to prepare for it and also struggling to focus on other things because the anxiety is building up. Have had a terrible headache and been feeling sick most of the day and don't feel like eating much. It's horrible hate feeling like this but I can't control it. Trying to tell myself not to worry today and just relax but I can't.

    Think I'm going to have to contact my gp to see if they can prescribe a little diazepam to help calm me the next couple of days and also think I'll need some on the day of the interview.. can't take beta blockets due to asthma :( I just hope it won't make me appear out of it!!

    Just wondering has anyone else been to this type of interview before? Anyone else taken diazepam before and how did it affect you? Thanks
    Last edited by Marie89; 05-12-21 at 15:16.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Panel job interview - 4 interviewers!

    I've been interviewed by three people a couple of times. Fortunately both times I already had a job so in my head I just told myself it didn't matter if I got the job or not, which completely took the pressure off.

    Leading up to the interview use all the relaxation techniques you can, meditation, light exercise, anything that normally helps. You could also have practice interviews with family members.

    With regards to getting some diazepam from your GP, don't worry, I've taken it prior to big things in the past and it didn't make me seem out of it, it just took the anxiety down a few notches. On the advice of my driving instructor for my second driving test I took some and passed my test. A GP probably wouldn't prescribe it now for a driving test, but this was 30 years ago.

    Anyway, I hope that helps a little bit.

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