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Thread: Anyone with AD experience? Venlafaxine please

  1. #1

    Anyone with AD experience? Venlafaxine please

    Hi all I am currently going through another bout of HA (sigh) Anyway I am taking 150mg of venlafaxine, this is my second time on this, first time was around 20 years ago, i was actually well on it for 10 years! Eventually came off of it the had another bout and was put on something else along with clonazepam, I got through that and slowly reduced the clon, with my next bout I tried to increase the clon but it did absolutely nothing! So that's obviously pooped out. Over the years i have been very slowly reducing the clon in order to come off of it, now at half of a 0.5mg. Back to today... I am really struggling right now and GP wants me to increase to 225mg of ven, I am absolutely terrified of doing this because my anxiety and low mood is already really bad (just about functioning) I have 3 young boys and I'm a single parent. I was wondering if anyone knew of anything I could ask for that would help with the extreme anxiety whilst I am increasing the dose? Also possibly something that would make me gain weight as I am already very overweight and this just adds to my HA. I'd really appreciate any advice. I am trying to help myself, I have self reffered to health in mind for possibly more therapy and I am trying to read self help books too.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Anyone with AD experience? Venlafaxine please

    Hi BlueEyes, sorry to hear you are going through this. I am also on 150mg of ven and just last week found myself with another bout of HA. (The Joys eh.) I have booked to see my doctor on Friday.

    Whenever I have increased my dose my GP has always prescribed Diazepam and sometimes Propranalol to help with the increase in anxiety that the jump up brings.
    I don't take the propranalol but I have on occasion taken the odd diazepam when I have been climbing the walls with it.

    There are a couple of good stickys in the health anxiety bit, dont read all the threads in there though. I have also stopped googling which has helped a lot.

    Hope some of this helps.

    Ava xx

  3. #3

    Re: Anyone with AD experience? Venlafaxine please

    Hi Ava thank you for your reply, forgot to say I am also on propranolol although could probably increase that as been on the same dose for years, doesn't do anything for the feeling of anxiety but definitely helps with the racing heart! Not sure if my GP will give me diazepam if I'm still on clon even though its a tiny amount, I will ask though thank you. Will have a look at the sticky's and will def skim passed the others really don't need to be dealing with more fears. HA sucks I'm sorry that you are going through a rough time too, I know EXACTLY how you feel but only the nicest and strongest of people deal with this sort of thing. We will both get through it, this too shall pass! Sending healing hugs xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Anyone with AD experience? Venlafaxine please

    Hi Blueeyes, that's why I don't bother with the propranalol as It never really has done anything for me. I very rarely take the diazepam either, I just like to know I have them more than anything else. I am more likely to white knuckle my way through it, then when you get that moment that it subsides for a while, it's heaven.

    Do you have someone who can help you with the kids, and do you have someone you can talk to about this, I talk to my parents and my other half about it and it does help. I also had CBT last year from Iapt. You can self refer so have a look at them. It came through with 2 weeks, didnt help me loads but i have taken a few bits away from it like a weekly planner that i use.

  5. #5

    Re: Anyone with AD experience? Venlafaxine please

    Hi Paradise thank you for your reply, I am lucky to have my mum, sister and partner (Although he currently lives in the US but will hopefully be joining me again soon) All are very supportive and try their best to understand thankfully. My mum is coming to stay for a while from Wednesday to help out and support me, although I do feel really bad that she needs to do that as I feel it will be a big burden on her. She has health difficulties that give her a lot of pain bless her so going to try and make sure she doesn't come here and end up doing everything because that's not what she is coming for. I will push myself to do as much as I can and also kick my boys up the butt to help out. I just pray that the increase doesn't effect to the point that I can't function because that would put a massive strain on her. I have done CBT in the past and it helped a lot as I rarely ever body check ect anymore. My issues are when I have real health concerns now which I find impossible to overcome. I am waiting for a call from the mental health team to see what they can offer me though, thanks again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Anyone with AD experience? Venlafaxine please

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueEeyes View Post
    Anyway I am taking 150mg of venlafaxine, this is my second time on this, first time was around 20 years ago, i was actually well on it for 10 years! Eventually came off of it the had another bout and was put on

    ...I am really struggling right now and GP wants me to increase to 225mg of ven, I am absolutely terrified of doing this because my anxiety and low mood is already really bad (just about functioning) I have 3 young boys and I'm a single parent. I was wondering if anyone knew of anything I could ask for that would help with the extreme anxiety whilst I am increasing the dose?

    ...Also possibly something that would make me gain weight as I am already very overweight and this just adds to my HA.
    Firstly, while there can be a spike in anxiety when increasing the dose of any AD this is by no means certain and you'll likely not have a severe reaction. However, an anxious mind is very capable of producing our worst nightmares if given half a chance so try not to talk yourself into the nightmare.

    Unfortunately, given your history your only options are likely to be either pregabalin (Lyrica), or mirtazapine.

    Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant which is also prescribed for anxiety. It has a similar effect on the brain as the benzodiazepines (BZDs), but works by a different mechanism so it shouldn't impact weaning off clonazepam. It can trigger dependence too, but is much slower to do so than the BZDs so this won't be a issue for the short time you're going to be on it.

    While mirtazapine is marketed as an antidepressant is is really only a antihistamine acting as a potent sedative. The main problem you're likely to have is it can trigger carbohydrate cravings and most people taking it put on weight, however, like pregabalin you should only need to be on it for a week or two so any weight gain is likely to be modest.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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