I know this thread is fairly ancient now as it was first started 9 years ago, but I have barely heard of any Norovirus epidemics again so far this season (still obviously overshadowed by Covid), despite things being more normal than last year (though that could soon change, of course).

Surely Norovirus has always been a thing in some form or another, but it's only really been over the past 20 years or so that the media have really made a big deal of it. Plus of course nearly everything seems to be given a 'label' these days.

Also, regarding emetophobia in general, I still can't help wondering if it's something many of us have become 'conditioned' to throughout our lives, e.g, stemming from a traumatic childhood event involving vomiting such as being reprimanded (and ridiculed) for puking in class or assembly at school, especially when forbidden from going to the toilet, etc?