Quote Originally Posted by Swiffy View Post

Im new here and i hope to get some Support for reinstatement.
to NMP,

Im off of prozac since 7 Months and im in hell of Withdrawal. My last dose where only 0,37 mg (crazy but its real). I was 7 jears of prozac without Problems. Then Made Cold Turkey, reinstated 0,5 mg and tapered Off to fast... My worst Symptom is insomnia (with 0 hours of sleep since 7 Months)
To clarify, you took fluoxetine (Prozac) for 7 years then quit it 'cold-turkey', had some withdrawal issues so began taking it again at 0.5mg, or 5mg?, then tapered off it about 7 months ago, but are still having what you think are withdrawal symptoms the worst of which imsomnia so severe that you haven't slept at all since you stopped taking the antidepressant?

I don't think what you are experiencing is withdrawal. Fluoxetine has a very long half-life, about 6 days for fluoxetine plus up to 16 days for its active metabolite norfluoxetine which is mostly responsible for the medication's efficacy. It takes about a month for fluoxetine to be completely metabolised out of the body and nearly 3 months for norfluoxetine, so any withdrawal symptoms are usually mild if they occur at all. I suspect you are also getting more sleep than you think you are as no one can go completely without sleep for more than a few days without suffering significant psychological and physical effects.

What was fluoxetine originally prescribed for? Anxiety, depression, both and why did you stop taking it so quickly? What has your doctor said about all of this?

Can you tell me how i can reinstate or If it make Sense to reinstate?
It wouldn't make sense to reinstate fluoxetine just to wean off it again as a way of ending the withdrawal symptoms. However, I suspect your real problem now isn't withdrawal, but a return of the disorder/s that fluoxetine was originally prescribed to treat in which case taking a therapeutic dose (20+mg) may help. But that is something you should be discussing with your doctor.