Quote Originally Posted by Sober2000june View Post
This is my 2nd time on duloxetine. was on it from oct 19 to nov 20 going from 30mg up to 120mg

...I'm hoping from what Ian(PDU) says about benzos blocking AD efficacy i have a better chance of them working this time.
As I recall even 120mg didn't work that well, Paul.

i have been on 60mg for 10 weeks and 90mg 10 days.
Even without the BZD 60mg probably wasn't going to be enough given you were taking 120mg before with indifferent results. Plus, ADs tend to be less effective the second time with higher doses sometimes being necessary to achieve the previous levels of control. The initial side-effects can be different, or more severe too.

since upping to 90mg my anxiety has been getting worse. waves of anxiety through my body. sweating palms.
Heightened anxiety when first taking ADs, or after increasing the dose is quite common, unfortunately, and this is the most likely explanation. It should begin to diminish after a week or two, though side-effects can linger for some. Talk to your consultant about this as there are ways of easing the discomfort.

BTW, what happened with trazodone?