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Thread: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    Well here I am again, horrible at updating my diary lol. As of this morning I am 90 pounds lighter! It’s crazy to me. I did a “collage” type thing on my phone, put a photo of me at my heaviest next to a photo of myself a couple days ago. The side by side comparison really shocked me. I know I feel better. Joints don’t hurt as bad. I don’t have to slooowwwwly get out of bed in the morning because everything hurts so bad. I don’t get out of breath on the stairs. I’ve dropped 6 pants sizes. So there are tangible things that I can feel and see - but something about seeing that photo just really got to me. In a positive way though!! Definitely motivation to keep going. I’m about five pounds away from my halfway point in this weight loss journey (I was way, way overweight, out of control type overweight). I’ve had people ask me if I’d ever considered the bariatric surgery since I had so much weight to lose - and while that certainly would have made the weight fall off faster, I’m way too big of a chicken to go through a voluntary surgery like that. Not to mention all the complications that can occur after a surgery like that—I think my anxiety would have been sky high. So nope, I’ll just continue on as I’ve been and do this the slow way lol. I started this journey May 31st of 2021. I’m hopeful that I’ll hit the 100 lb mark by the one year anniversary of this weight loss journey, if I continue at the rate I’ve been going I think I’ll definitely hit that goal! I have no desire to “fall off the wagon” so to speak, and have somehow managed to find the willpower to keep this train moving lol - that is I think the biggest shock to me, because in past attempts I never made it more than 30 pounds or so. So this is the proverbial back patting post for me because I’m so, so proud of how far I’ve managed to come - and excited to keep going!!

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    That is such a brilliant post! You are doing so well!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    That's an incredible achievement. You are right to be proud of yourself. It's not easy to keep going when results aren't instant and you really have to be supremely motivated to stick to your guns and follow your healthy living plan when I'm sure all those around you will be trying to tempt you back into the old ways?!

    It's all about willpower as you say and the desire to be liberated and free to move around more easily. Slowly but surely is the way to go for the future and you're definitely mentally and physically on track for all you are aiming for. Really well done"

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    Wow. I really am horrible at updating my journal here haha. I’m now down 117 pounds, with about 70 more to go. My one year anniversary of starting this lifestyle change is coming up - May 31st! The big milestone for me lately was overcoming my heart anxiety and joining a gym three weeks ago. I’ve been going daily for 30 minutes of cardio on my lunch break, and going to a water aerobics class twice a week. It’s going great so far!! I had my gallbladder out in April thanks to all the weight loss, and the recovery has slowed down my progress a bit. But I’m still here, and pushing forward! I hope everyone is doing well!

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    You are doing so well!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    You are amazing glassgirlw
    You've really stuck with it and an Op to deal with as well.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    It's a fantastic achievement and shows just how determined you are to reach your healthy goal! It would have been so easy to have given in but you didn't and haven't and after a year you've really cracked it! Really well done!

  8. #38

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    Losing weight is not a very easy task. And this mentality does not exist in many. But you have tried it. Congratulations on deciding to change your lifestyle and for sticking with it!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    Thanks, everyone - I really appreciate it! There have been so many positive changes over the last year that I think that’s what’s keeping me motivated to keep working. Little things like not getting out of breath going up and down stairs, dropping clothes sizes, feeling overall healthier. But I’m a lifelong health anxiety person as I know many of you are here. Mine has always mostly centered around my heart. There has been such a massive change in my anxiety since changing my diet and the foods I eat. I haven’t had a heart palpitation in months. I never get heartburn anymore. I don’t deal with the crazy racing heart anymore. I have to really work at it in the gym to get my heart rate in the 140’s during cardio. It’s just so crazy to me that something like diet, exercise, and weight loss has had such a massive effect on my anxiety. I pray that continues but if not I’ll deal with it when the time comes. I’m sure enjoying the break from it for now though lol!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    Wow! Way to go!! I have not been following through on losing weight. I want to lose about 50 pounds. But I did just meet with a nutritionist last week so I'm hoping that's the kick I need! I also want more energy, not to get out of breath so easily, and just the overall boost in health. You're a great motivation!!

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