I'm so pleased things are going well for you Angie, fingers crossed this is the dose for you. x

So day 10 for me on the 225mg and the last 5 days haven't been good at all. The main things I am experiencing at the moment are...

Severe nausea that starts about 3-4 hours after I take my ven in the morning and lasts until I go to sleep.
Headaches, mainly between and around my eyes and my jaw feels a little sore, think I am clenching.
My muscles ache, and they are really fatigued when I go to use them. Again I think I am tensing them up.
Fatigued in general.
Disturbed sleep.
A little anxiety back.

I called my doctor yesterday to ask for some anti-sickness tablets as I know people have been prescribed them but he told me he wanted to see me. I went into the doctors and he said the things I was experiencing were because I have too much Venlafaxine in my system and he wanted me to drop back down to the 187mg. This really confused me as I thought these were all just side effects that would improve in the next week or so. I told him this and he said he didn't think that was likely. I said it would be a shame when I have done 9 days on this dose to drop down and he reluctantly gave me some anti-sickness tablets but told me that I couldn't have them for any more than a week and only to use when the nausea was extreme as they would make me feel drunk. He also made a note on my file that said I had gone against his wishes to drop the dose down.

This all really confused me and made me feel really bad and then I started questioning if maybe the dose is too high. My family said to stay on the 225mg dose and to email the phych so I emailed him yesterday afternoon. No reply as yet and I am due to take the next dose again now and I am scared. I just feel so conflicted on what I should be doing. I am going to take the 225mg today though and hope the phych messages me back today.

I need to go and pick the anti sickness up from the chemist so I will go in my lunch hour today and take one this afternoon if it gets bad again.

My parents are flying off on holiday today for a week so I can't even go around there to work... Oh well onwards as usual.

Ava x