We had our follow up appointment today. They won’t have blood results until tomorrow, but I asked if they could check his temp because he’s felt warm but I’m not sure how accurate my ear thermometer is. He has a significant fever, and I double checked with my thermometer - it’s about two degrees off. So he’s definitely had them off and on all month.

They noted that random fevers aren’t a great sign, but we will see what the blood results are. Next step is probably an ultrasound.

I just don’t know what to think/feel beyond blind panic. I’m afraid of bad news. I’m afraid of an answer that is “we can fix this but it will be expensive”. The vet tech there has a dog who today was undergoing surgery for a liver mass - $8k. I don’t have 8k. I paid 3k two years ago to fix his knee and that nearly killed me. I could borrow but even my parents I don’t think would justify that. I am just so afraid that it’s all going to come down to me not being able to help him.