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Thread: Struggling

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Struggling

    Thank you again.
    Some really kind and helpful responses which I’ll keep to look over when I need them.

    I have a meeting with my boss on Friday so we’ll see what happens.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Struggling

    I think everyone has written what I would say Scass,you are one that doesn’t judge myself or others on here.
    Thank you for your kindness.
    Sending you some hugs from down under.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Struggling

    Quote Originally Posted by Scass View Post

    I don’t know if it’s maybe menopausal or an age thing - I reached a big new age this month.
    I had a wibble at 40 but I think that was because it coincided with the menopause for me. 50 was much better psychologically speaking. I've done my half century but I didn't get a standing ovation lol

    I am struggling at home, it is a mess and I lack all motivation with it . I procrastinate and then feel overwhelmed and unhappy about it.
    Can you afford to get a cleaner in once a week? Or is there a family member who could help you out to get back on track?

    I am struggling at work, we are so busy and I have told my boss twice that I’m struggling but was told that nothing was going to change. My team were offered a nice bonus if we achieved something and I found out today that I didn’t get mine, but with no explanation as to why not. However, there were some issues with some of my work (after I had told them how busy I was), and I was off with covid for a few days (unpaid). So I assume that’s why I didn’t get the bonus but everyone else did and it has left me feeling so shoddy. Add the few hundred pounds I lost for having covid, and it’s quite the smack in the face. I also feel like I’m being punished a bit for bringing up the fact I’m struggling and for being off with covid. I know it sounds weird and paranoid but I have to trust my instinct a bit and my boss is definitely being off with me.
    Sounds like your boss is being unfair. You couldn't help catching Covid. Would he have preferred you go in and spread it about or what? You could take this further?

    I work with someone who annoys me, she’s very nice but she’s annoying. Today she told me that sometimes I am unnecessarily curt with her, and I suspect I am, but I feel horrible that I’ve made her feel horrible. And I didn’t say sorry either. I don’t know how to deal with that.
    If you feel sorry, then try and tell her. Buy her a brew at break?

    I let my daughter have too much screen time because I’m busy trying to get stuff done (or procrastinating!). I feel like she’s growing up so fast and my time with her should be better.
    How old is your daughter? My son is 13 and I am no longer the centre of his world. I walk into his bedroom when he's gaming and he glares at me (or grunts) and a little shard of my heart falls on the floor. However, I've been here twice before and I know that my boy will come back to me (eventually) but that he has to do the horrible teenager thingy - as we all do.

    I think I still have brain fog from covid. And perimenopause. I know I should see a gp about the peri, but I just think I’ll cry.
    The menopause and brain fog go hand in hand. You can go to your GP and get an FSH test done which will give a good indication of what your hormones are doing but this change of life is something that all women will go through Scass. It's crap, but it's the way it is. The good news is that most women can alleviate their symptoms (and moods) with hormone replacement. It wasn't right for me but I know many women who have benefitted immensely from it- something for you to discuss with your GP? So many women's lives are turned upside down by the meno but there are things you can do..

    I can’t sleep due to my stupid shoulder pain. (Im seeing a physio about it now).
    Sleep on a heat pad. I use them for my numerous aches & pains with fibromyalgia but I also have arthritis in my shoulder and heat really helps..

    I feel like a terrible failure. I have quite a problem with responsibility in that I feel like everything is my responsibility, so if things go wrong I blame myself. I’m blaming myself for so much right now and I don’t know how to get out of my rut.
    Been there..

    You're not a failure and not everything is your responsibility. You can only ever be responsible for your own actions..

    One of the school Mums who I don’t really know, called out to me this morning “Remind your brain how awesome you are”. I thought it was such a kind thing to say.
    That really is an awesome thing to say. The universe wants you to know just how awesome you really are Scass. X
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Struggling

    I'm glad that you will be able to talk to your boss tomorrow. I'm sure the thought of it will be harrowing but getting things out in the open may help you in the long run and he or she will know how you feel-rightly- about this injustice.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Struggling

    Sending positive vibes, Scass - I hope it all works out
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Struggling

    Rooting for you here too Scass
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Struggling

    I hope today brought you some sense of relief and that the meeting went well xx

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