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Thread: Anyone got experience of this

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Anyone got experience of this

    We have covid in the house, bought in by my younger son we think. Last Thursday he tested positive and remains so 6
    His symptoms are nothing more than a cold.

    My other son is the confusing one. He’s had close contact with his brother, in a car etc and last Friday the day after his brother he started to feel bad. No cold symptoms but he has the chills ( no fever) is tired and exhausted, his body aches, loss of appetite, feels sick and has diarrhoea. He has a very minor cough and sore throat.

    After a day of feeling awful, he started to feel better until by Sunday he was back to,normal. This morning, he’s gone right back to the beginning, all the symptoms are back.

    Confusing thing is despite doing LFT each day he has persistently tested negative. He’s ticking 80% covid symptoms, minus the cold symptoms.
    The co incidence is too great that we have covid in the house and he’s ill too but I just don’t know. Can it go away completely then come back? Why is he testing negative? We just are not sure whether he has it or not.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Anyone got experience of this

    Quote Originally Posted by Darksky View Post
    We have covid in the house, bought in by my younger son we think. Last Thursday he tested positive and remains so 6
    His symptoms are nothing more than a cold.

    My other son is the confusing one. He’s had close contact with his brother, in a car etc and last Friday the day after his brother he started to feel bad. No cold symptoms but he has the chills ( no fever) is tired and exhausted, his body aches, loss of appetite, feels sick and has diarrhoea. He has a very minor cough and sore throat.

    After a day of feeling awful, he started to feel better until by Sunday he was back to,normal. This morning, he’s gone right back to the beginning, all the symptoms are back.

    Confusing thing is despite doing LFT each day he has persistently tested negative. He’s ticking 80% covid symptoms, minus the cold symptoms.
    The co incidence is too great that we have covid in the house and he’s ill too but I just don’t know. Can it go away completely then come back? Why is he testing negative? We just are not sure whether he has it or not.
    It seems there's plenty of other coexisting 'bugs' doing the rounds right now which are dead easy to confuse with Covid.

    As Pulisa and BI pointed out in another thread yesterday, they're playing catch-up from previously being virtually non-existent over the past 2 years owing to all the Covid restrictions, which in turn, are now mostly gone in the UK.

    In yesterday's video from Dr JC, he was saying that the current Covid epidemic in the UK looks like it's now peaked and rates starting to tick downwards again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Anyone got experience of this

    If he continues to test negative then it doesn't appear to be covid despite your other son having a positive reading. I suppose the main thing is that he gets better soon. I had a nasty bug last week which has wiped me out and there does appear to be "a lot of it about". Maybe these bugs are "worse" than a mild omicron infection?

    I do hope both boys are soon feeling back to normal and I also hope that you both swerve covid for Easter. Not a lot you can do though..It does seem to be a bit of a lottery as to who gets it and who doesn't.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Anyone got experience of this

    I’ve just had coivd, my son was very sick the week before with identical symptoms, but he had covid back in February and tested negative, so it must have been a different bug with the same symptoms. My daughter was then sick at exactly the same time as me, also with identical symptoms. She hasn’t had covid but tested negative every day, whereas I tested positive for 9 days on LFT. It really does seem odd for people in the same house to be sick at the same time with the same symptoms and some to have covid and some not, but it does seem that it’s possible. I don’t think I would have believed it if it wasn’t for the fact that my son had omicron so recently so it would be be very unlikely (although I guess not impossible) for him to catch it again so soon.

    Also to add that my kids are not generally sickly but this year they have been ill with one thing after another. I definitely think the winter bugs are having a field day post lockdown as everyone seems to have been sick all winter and it isn’t letting up even with the weather getting warmer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Anyone got experience of this

    Thanks guys.

    I guess the worry is, him actually having covid while testing negative. I suppose it’s possible because he has no viral load in his nose or throat.
    Its my 93 year old mother I fret about. We have kept her safe for two years. Although my son hasn’t had the strength to leave his bed, I have been masked up giving him food and drinks. (Mother hen overload) I have this niggling feeling I’m going to pass something to her. She has loads of nurse appointments I have to take her to and I rather know what I’m dealing with.

    I periodically test myself and we have been treating him as positive just in case.

    My other positive son is testing with a very faint line now. But he’s been bouncing round like rabbit all through it.
    I suppose it’s all we can do really, I was just wondering if anyone had experience of having covid while testing negative.

    I suppose time will sort it out, like it does most things.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Anyone got experience of this

    Well….that’s annoying….I’ve just tested positive
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Anyone got experience of this

    Oh blimey Darksky. Well now you know how you stand with regards to your mother and can make the necessary arrangements by either delaying appointments or arranging an alternative.
    I was going to say your other son who has tested negative may well have the flu which has also been going around. I know quite a few people that are suffering this at the moment. And flu tends to come when you are rundown, overdoing things or your immunity is weak.
    I know it must be frustrating for you to have received a positive especially as it seems you are the main cog in keeping the family looked after, but as they say, it is what it is and you still might not get any of the symptoms. I'd be inclined to another test later to make doubly sure. And still keep your distance from positive son just incase it's a booboo on the testing.
    Sending you hugs from afar Darksky x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Anyone got experience of this

    I'm sorry, Darksky but at least you know now. It must be very hard to stay away from your mum and I know this will really complicate hospital appointments etc. Do you have anyone else who can step in and take her?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Anyone got experience of this

    Well my sister can push her there in the chair if needs must but maybe MrD won’t catch it and take her. Although I don’t fancy his chances.

    I was thinking, every few weeks I cook her some casseroles in ramekins, slow cooker and then freeze. Then I deliver them and she re heats as she wants them. I cook in three week batches and she at the end of her stash this weekend.

    I have looked online and can’t find a definitive answer as to whether it’s safe for me to make them. Obviously I wouldn’t deliver them but I wondering about the cooking process. I have gloves and masks but should I even be doing it.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Anyone got experience of this

    Quote Originally Posted by Darksky View Post
    Well….that’s annoying….I’ve just tested positive
    Sorry to hear that Darksky.

    Hopefully it will only last a few days and wishing you a speedy recovery.

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