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Thread: Universal Credit 'Work coach' meeting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Universal Credit 'Work coach' meeting

    Hi all, long time no post.

    I'm guessing some of you have been through this which is why i thought i would post this.

    On Friday I have my first 'work coach' meeting having been approved for Universal Credit. I claimed because my part time job hours have been cut dramatically.
    I have wanted to get a full time job for ages (like, years) but the job I have, or had, was fine. No hassle, just be going in and doing my thing. I resisted because even looking for a job brought anxiety of change and maybe getting into a bad situation when I was in a 'safe' zone which what I had.

    I'm worried about what will be expected of me. I don't drive and don't travel well. I spent 3 years commuting by train to college and I don't want to repeat that. This means effectively I have a 2 mile radius that I can walk to work.

    I've also seen that I may be expect to spend 35 hours a week looking for work. How? Does this need to be proven?

    My head is starting to spin with it all.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Universal Credit 'Work coach' meeting

    You have to complete an online workbook (sort of) where you record what you have done to find work and what jobs you have applied for etc. They check this to make sure you are actually looking for work.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Universal Credit 'Work coach' meeting

    Just got back from my meeting.

    Feel a lot worse now. Have to go back Tuesday having applied for jobs. He got a bit funny when I asked about an appointment on a Monday or Thursday as I'm in town anyway. I get travel sick so I'm a bit limited to my town. I didn't dare tell him that.

    Wish I hadn't bothered. If mum wasn't around I'd 'get my affairs in order' and leave this waste of life.
    That makes me feel so awful.

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