Quote Originally Posted by emma6981 View Post
I need some advice about quetiapine. Was started on 25mg immediate release twice daily, mainly for sleep. Found it too sedating for during the day but the night time dose helped my sleep. i was on that dose for two weeks, anxiety still bothering me so dr switched me to 50mg once daily of the slow release. I found ti didn't help my sleep the same and i was a little groggy the next day.
Immediate-release quetiapine has a half-life of about 6 hours so more that half of a night time dose will be metabolised out of your system by the next morning while there's still about half of the slow-release being released into the bloodstream the next day hence the daytime grogginess.

Any advice on what i should do? I've been changing between the two and not sure which is working better. I guess i should stick to one over the other. The 25mg of the immediate release isn't making me as drowsy as it originally was.
I guess it comes down to what your priority is. Sleeping better, or trying to ease the anxiety. The latter isn't really what quetiapine is designed to do though it might be useful as a short term measure while another primary med is initiated. Unfortunately, tolerance to meds which sedate by blocking histamine receptors can build fairly quickly as you seem to be discovering.

You're also taking the recommended maximum 200mg dose of sertraline for anxiety which is apparently no longer working so what has your doctor proposed to do about this?