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Thread: Dang!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Dang!

    Thank you for the update….my continued good wishes. X
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Dang!

    Thanks for the update FMP, things sound much more positive.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Dang!

    Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that things are more positive.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Dang!

    My daughter's latest post...

    “I almost lost this. I almost gave this up. I’m grateful to be here.” - my thoughts in this moment I captured.

    This most recent depressive/anxiety episode made me think it would be better to end my life, to end the pain; I believed the thoughts. The people around me told me they loved me, and assured me that I wasn’t a burden.; but, when the negative thoughts have you in its clutch, you feel so horrible, and nothing anyone says makes a difference; you just want the pain to end.

    Though it was not easy, I got the help. Because I did that, I enjoyed and took in this moment right here.

    For anyone who is struggling, I am just a DM, text, or call away. I know how bad it can feel, but I assure you that there is help, and you can heal.

    I’m glad we are still here. "

    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Dang!

    What a lovely post FMP.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Dang!

    I thought I'd post an update. As was posted, my daughter was released from the hospital and they added another med to her regime. She was feeling better and my wife and I traveled up for the wedding /reception (they married in 2020 but this was a post COVID deal). What I didn't know and found out was that the med was making her manic. So the really upbeat and positive person was being countered by the opposite due to the meds. In fact, after the rehearsal, the entire wedding party went to dinner and a really great seafood place and she ended up having a panic attack and had to step outside to gather herself. That said, ceremony #2 and the reception went off without a hitch.

    I spoke with her the other day and she told me what was going on with the meds and frankly, with everything that happened prior, then getting out of the hospital and thrown back into the blender with the wedding was a bit much for her and she's been mentally exhausted. She also told me about her desire to try to get off meds and go natural. While I'm not 100% behind that, her psychiatrist is on it and they are going to take a trial error approach to replacing the meds with natural elements that have shown to be beneficial.

    So we'll see. They took her off the Ability and she's feeling better so there's some light at the end of the tunnel. I'm just very proud of her for fighting as hard as she does.

    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Dang!

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    I'm just very proud of her for fighting as hard as she does.
    Rightly so FMP. Your daughter is indeed a fighter. Also, she's using her experience to help others with their MH issues. Good on her I say!
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Dang!

    I'm 100% natural FMP and I can definitely say it is not easy because you feel everything! But saying that if your daughter applies a lot of work, and I have a feeling she will, she'll do good. Lots of mindfulness, a balanced day, good diet, meditation, gentle exercise, and time out for herself.
    There is another option and that's a life coach. These are available through the Internet but obviously check out their credibility before engaging.
    It's so good you got to see your daughter it would have meant a lot to her.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Dang!

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnation View Post
    I'm 100% natural FMP and I can definitely say it is not easy because you feel everything! But saying that if your daughter applies a lot of work, and I have a feeling she will, she'll do good. Lots of mindfulness, a balanced day, good diet, meditation, gentle exercise, and time out for herself.
    There is another option and that's a life coach. These are available through the Internet but obviously check out their credibility before engaging.
    It's so good you got to see your daughter it would have meant a lot to her.
    She actually is a certified self-love coach and her and a friend have a FB group dedicated to helping others. They host live sessions weekly. She's on it concerning diet exercise, meditation etc. So we'll see.

    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Dang!

    Your daughter is clearly awesome, FMP
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

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