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Thread: High cortisol levels in blood - being referred for Cushing's syndrome/disease testing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    High cortisol levels in blood - being referred for Cushing's syndrome/disease testing

    I went to my GP with a small hump on my neck and they ran some morning cortisol testing and it came back elvated at 717 so I have been referred to endocrinology for Cushing's testing.

    I am scared out of my wits. My GP thinks maybe my steroid creams for psoriasis maybe have caused it but I haven't used them since March/April this year. That is also when I noticed the hump and thought it was bad posture for a while. I have gained a stone in weight over the last year but managed to lose half of it since. I was 12 stone 2lbs in December and now I am 11 stone 6lbs.

    Have any of you ever been tested for Cushing's? I am terrified to have it in any sense but I could just about cope with having it caused by steroids or a benign hormone secreting tumour. My fear is I will be one of the very few unlucky ones who have it caused by a cancerous tumour. My health anxiety is so bad these days. I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis in Nov and lost my dad suddenly to a cardiac arrest a week later and then my uncle to a cardiac arrest not long after that too. Death and illness have been too close to home lately.

    Just need a hug really 😔
    C-PTSD (Complex Trauma), OCD, Panic Disorder, GAD

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: High cortisol levels in blood - being referred for Cushing's syndrome/disease tes

    I am being tested for it constantly as I have an adrenal gland lesion. I am forever doing 24 hour urine collections as the results are borderline.

    I am supposed to do some more again now as they can't really decide if I have Cushing's or not.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: High cortisol levels in blood - being referred for Cushing's syndrome/disease tes

    Sorry to hear this Ginger. Hope it’s ruled out for you, but if not, then I hope it’s manageable. Hugs.

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