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Thread: First positive covid test and panicking

  1. #1

    First positive covid test and panicking

    Hey everyone, I'm in my early 30s and share the house with my 17yo brother and parents.
    My brother is not vaccinated and a few days ago he woke up with a terrible headache did the home test given to us in the UK and it came back positive, obviously I knew at that point infection was likely since we are always in close proximity..but everything was fine and I felt normal, until yesterday. I started getting the typical cold symptoms, a few sneezes blocked nose and sore throat so I did two tests at home at different times during the day and they came back negative. This evening Friday into Saturday and early morning my throat got worse and I did a third test...and my suspicions came came back positive..the problem is I've been panicking alot since finding out. I'm exhausted and my mind won't let me sleep I'm also feeling quite hot...which I suspect is my body and mind panicking. The rest of the symptoms aren't too bad right now. Slightly congested. Just so you know I had two Pfizer jabs over a year ago..when it was first available for my age range... I'm panicking alot right now almost to the point of a meltdown and just can't relax thinking the worst could happen (typical) I'm very physically fit and quite slim.

    Wish I could sleep this off right now as I'm so tired but can't!!!

  2. #2

    Re: First positive covid test and panicking

    Just want to add something more. I've had a few little cold up until now which I suspect were covid but never got back positive. I struggled with health anxiety years ago and recovered to the point where it's all gone so it would be sad to get back to that place again

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: First positive covid test and panicking

    I've had it twice now ( last December and then May), the second time was much milder than the first, and the first time wasn't too bad. Drink plenty of fluids, take paracetamol regularly and try and keep your mind busy. With me probably the mental struggle was worse than the Covid itself.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: First positive covid test and panicking

    I just tested positive yesterday (first time). I wasn’t too worried yesterday because I just had a scratchy throat and felt like I had a cold, but then the fever and body aches started last night. My meds are wearing off now and my fever is back up to 100.4. I have a telehealth visit with my doctor soon to see if she thinks I should do Paxlovid. But of course taking that makes me nervous, too. My headache is better than it was last night, though.

    Deep down I’m not as anxious as I suspected I’d be, but the intrusive thoughts are poking their way in.

    I hope your symptoms don’t get too bad!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: First positive covid test and panicking

    I'm on my fifth day after testing positive and my symptoms were mild to moderate, but most of it has not been as bad as I was concerned about at first! The first couple days were rough, with pounding headaches, sinus pains and sore throat, runny nose etc. Then it all eased and I felt a bit better. Unfortunately I don't know if it's because of the heat or because of my health condition but I ended up with a bad tummy today, abdominal cramps/nausea too.. I do feel like the heatwave has contributed to this though. Am also having bladder and bowel symptoms but I guess for me it's not that uncommon since I suffer from IBD and bladder conditions.
    Hoping we're all feeling much better in a few days out!!

  6. #6

    Re: First positive covid test and panicking

    It's officially 7 days and I am covid symptoms and negative tests, I want to thank all the reassuring replies here. The first 24hours were the roughest I had body aches and fever with chills but it all eased up as the days passed.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: First positive covid test and panicking

    That’s how it was for me too. First full day of symptoms was the worst, low fever, chills and aches pretty bad all day. Not even fever reducers/pain relievers helped for more than an hour at a time. Recovered quickly after that though!

  8. #8

    Re: First positive covid test and panicking

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post
    I just tested positive yesterday (first time). I wasn’t too worried yesterday because I just had a scratchy throat and felt like I had a cold, but then the fever and body aches started last night. My meds are wearing off now and my fever is back up to 100.4. I have a telehealth visit with my doctor soon to see if she thinks I should do Paxlovid. But of course taking that makes me nervous, too. My headache is better than it was last night, though.

    Deep down I’m not as anxious as I suspected I’d be, but the intrusive thoughts are poking their way in.

    I hope your symptoms don’t get too bad!
    Get better soon!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: First positive covid test and panicking

    I’m also joining the first time Covid club today. It happened at the worst possible time. I’m on a business trip far away from home. I tested this morning before my flight (negative) and then tested positive at the hotel this evening.

    So far the symptoms are mild I guess. I have a headache, sinus pressure, an occasional dry cough, and some fatigue. I don’t have any chronic conditions but I am overweight so I am thinking about asking for Paxlovid.

    Hopefully this is a mild course. Hope everyone feels better.

  10. #10

    Re: First positive covid test and panicking

    Quote Originally Posted by Flapj View Post
    I’m also joining the first time Covid club today. It happened at the worst possible time. I’m on a business trip far away from home. I tested this morning before my flight (negative) and then tested positive at the hotel this evening.

    So far the symptoms are mild I guess. I have a headache, sinus pressure, an occasional dry cough, and some fatigue. I don’t have any chronic conditions but I am overweight so I am thinking about asking for Paxlovid.

    Hopefully this is a mild course. Hope everyone feels better.
    Mine starter mild then got progressively worse as time went on but everyone’s different. I hope yours is mild throughout!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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