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Thread: Started back on sertraline

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Started back on sertraline

    After not taking sertraline for about 3 months, my racing thoughts about dying and health anxiety has come back since having worsened ‘palpitations and heart thuds.

    I started on Monday night on 50mg, and since then I’ve been feeling very jittery, everytime I move I shake, my jaw is clenched. Everytime I yawn I feel like I’m doing to drop.

    I’m hungry but not bothered about food, dry mouth, and occasionally feel very sick. My brain also feels like I’m in a cloud and my eyes are slow.

    Does this sound like usual side effects? I’ve been taking them at night around 9pm, so hopefully I can sleep through, but the last couple of nights I’ve been waking at random times.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Started back on sertraline

    It does sound like start up side effects, hang on in there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Started back on sertraline

    Quote Originally Posted by Emilychazza98 View Post
    I started on Monday night on 50mg, and since then I’ve been feeling very jittery, everytime I move I shake, my jaw is clenched. Everytime I yawn I feel like I’m doing to drop.

    I’m hungry but not bothered about food, dry mouth, and occasionally feel very sick. My brain also feels like I’m in a cloud and my eyes are slow.

    Does this sound like usual side effects?
    Unfortunately, yes. The initial side-effects can be different and/or more severe than they were the first time too. They are mostly due to the enhanced serotonin activity at the beginning and will usually begin diminishing within a few weeks as bio-feedback mechanisms kick-in to reduce serotonin synthesis and expression, though they may return for a while after dose increases. While unpleasant they are not a sign of harm. If they become too difficult consult your doctor as there are ways of easing their impact.

    I’ve been taking them at night around 9pm, so hopefully I can sleep through, but the last couple of nights I’ve been waking at random times.
    Insomnia and other sleeping issues are common initial SSRI side-effects. Switching the time of day they are taken can sometimes make a difference.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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