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Thread: ALS, MS fear I am at my wits end

  1. #1

    ALS, MS fear I am at my wits end


    I have been at my wits end. I cry all the time. I have been to the hospital a few times done CT scans for dizziness and heart rate going up all normal apparently. A couple months ago I started to get pins and needles, feet going to sleep, my left fat toe feels a bit numb and it just feels off, my joints hurt bad on both hands and arm falls asleep at night, twitching, pain in legs they feel weak. I really am afraid I have ALS or MS I am so scared pls someone help has this happened to any of you?

  2. #2

    Re: ALS, MS fear I am at my wits end

    Well firstly, your tests are coming back normal. That's a good thing. Secondly, those just aren't the symptoms of ALS. ALS is a disease of failure, not of feeling. What this means is that you don't notice a feeling, you notice that part of your body has stopped working, and there ain't no making it work, no matter what you do. A feeling of weakness while the affected body part(s) continue to function as normal is not indicative of ALS, but it is indicative of anxiety. At my worst, I've been so convinced I couldn't feel my legs that I've collapsed - but all it took was telling myself that it was a reaction to a feeling and everything was fine again.

    As for MS, it comes in several forms and the symptoms differ a lot from person to person, which is partly why I've had a severe MS spiral in the past but no ALS spiral. Plus, my mum has MS, so I've seen it up close. While her symptoms were fairly vague, there was no mistaking something was wrong. My mum knew it, my dad knew, their GP knew it. For what it's worth, here in the UK it's 2am as I write this and while I'm having a bit of a sleepness night, my mum is still out at a bar somewhere playing her bass guitar (she's in her late 60s). She's living proof that even MS isn't always the end of a good life. She's a tough cookie, though. But I digress. I don't hear anything in what you've described that sounds like ALS or MS. I also trust the experts and the tests you've had.
    "My only hope is this homemade Prozac... Needs more ice cream."

  3. #3
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    Re: ALS, MS fear I am at my wits end


    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

    This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

    Please also read this post:

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  4. #4

    Re: ALS, MS fear I am at my wits end

    I agree with the previous poster that this doesn't sound anything like ALS. I am experiencing similar symptoms and I am also worried about MS; however, I had a brain and spine MRI and it came back clear. I don't think dizziness and heart rate going up could really be indicative of MS. For me, it's the tingling that scares me. I think your symptoms are all anxiety driven but if you can get a MRI scan hopefully it can put your mind at rest. Have you seen a doctor? How long has this been going on?

  5. #5

    Re: ALS, MS fear I am at my wits end

    Hi.. Thanks for the reply!

    I have been having such odd symptoms for a couple months. I have pins and needles, buzzing, tingling and a crawling feeling sometimes. Now, my fear is the muscle aches I keep getting in my hands especially. The more i think about it the worst its gets but its not in my head I feel pain. I was just in Utah hiking trails and I was fine but now I feel so bad. Its really getting me so nervous I keep crying everyday.

    By the way, I also ready the a vitamin b-12 deficiency can make you have tingling. I also want a full panel of blood done to see if they see anything because I did mine in the ER and they don't check the blood as invasive as a primary doctor will. You should check yours maybe that's why you are having tingling...

  6. #6

    Re: ALS, MS fear I am at my wits end

    Thank you for replying ... I am going to make an appointment and just do some more tests. The CT scan i did they were looking to make sure I didn't have a tumor .. I really don't know if you can see anything else from a ct honestly. Its just very frightening to start having muscle and bone pain sudden;y and no reason why :(

  7. #7

    Re: ALS, MS fear I am at my wits end

    You're right about B12. It's worth getting your Thyroid checked too as part of your blood panel. Mine were all normal and B12 was at the upper range, so unfortunately it is not that causing my tingling sensations. I have also had some weird muscle pains in my hands. I'm really scared as well, even though my MRI was clear. Especially because I have some pain in my left eye along with the tingling and this can be a really common first symptom of MS. I have had the tingling nearly 2 months now and no idea if it will ever go.

    By the way, have you had COVID recently? During my Google search I saw that hundreds, if not thousands, of people report tingling sensations after COVID. I had COVID in April so it seems weird I would only get the tingling in August. But guess it's a possibility.

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