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Thread: Breast pain - terrified

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Breast pain - terrified

    I’m 50 yo and scared I have breast cancer.

    History: In 2020, I had pain in my right breast right before covid. I had a regular mammogram on both breasts, was called back on the right breast, had a repeat diagnostic mammo and ultrasound, and was told it was benign. To be cautious, I chose to see a breast oncologist who said the breast pain is benign and due to perimenopause hormones. She said the pain would come and go. So then covid hits, and the pain has occurred on and off every few months. It’s always mostly in right breast with a little in left. In 2021, I called my doctor in a panic over the pain and because I was scared to get my mammo due to covid (I have a very high risk child at home). She said it’s ok to skip a year, reiterated the pain is hormones.

    Now the pain is happening again but only in my right breast this time. I’m panicking and wondering what if they’re wrong and this is cancer? I scheduled a mammo but can’t get in until December. I also have a call into my doc, but I’m starting to spiral. There are no other breast changes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Breast pain - terrified

    I had breast pain during perimenopause, and into the menopause. According to a breast specialist, pain is almost never a sign , and if it is, than there are obvious changes like inflammation of the breast. You would know this. I will bet you anything it is just hormones, nothing else. Not only breast pain - be ready to suffer various "health problems" but they are all to menopause changes. I have been through a lot scary symptoms during those years, and it was hormonal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Breast pain - terrified

    Thank you - this is relieving to hear you also had breast pain. It just so scary!! I have been going through perimenopause for a few years now. I really hope this is hormones and not cancer. I feel panicky.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Breast pain - terrified

    A pain from a cancerous tumour wouldn't come and go, and in 2 years........2 whole years !'d have a whole host of obvious changes. (which you don't) Use some logic and there is no reason to worry.

    I chose to see a breast oncologist who said the breast pain is benign and due to perimenopause hormones. She said the pain would come and go.
    This !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Breast pain - terrified

    I am spinning out. I am literally hyperventilating and sweating profusely because I think I have breast cancer. I tried to move my mammogram appt sooner but couldn’t- no openings. I feel like my lymph nodes on my collarbone and armpit are swollen and mildly tender when not touching them. I am convinced i have breast cancer and that it spread to my lymph nodes. My right breast still hurts on and off.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Re: Breast pain - terrified

    I also have one sided breast pain, mostly on left side. I have extremely dense breast tissue and fibrocystic breasts and fluctuations in hormones, fluid retention, salt and caffeine all can affect breast tissue. Especially so during perimenopause or menopause, I'm currently peri (45).

    Stress also causes muscle tightness that runs through your back, chest wall, armpit, etc. Suprisingly I've also mistakenly believed my pain to be breast related when it was really muscle tension.

    I also have a lot of anxiety about BC, but I try to focus on just getting screenings.

    I am still looking for the right tools to help me manage my anxiety in this, but I wanted to let you know you're not alone in your fears. Its likely hormonal, your brain probably also knows this, but we want 100% reassurance to quell the fears and what ifs.

    I'm sorry this is a difficult time for you...I struggle in the same ways.

    There is a great sub on Reddit titled Menopause. Tons of women on there offering support as our bodies go through significant changes. Its helped me in some ways feel less alone and fearful. Many women develop health anxiety in this stage of life as for some this transition comes with a lot of scary symptoms that are simply hormone related.

    Best to you.
    Last edited by erincassells; 12-10-22 at 13:11.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Re: Breast pain - terrified

    Realize this thread is old now but in the event that any of you ladies see this, just curious to see if the pain continued or if you discovered what it was. I’ve been having random, intermittent pain on my left breast for 5 months (I’m 49). I saw my GP, he did a manual exam, felt nothing out of the ordinary and said to wait for my annual mammogram - which is now next month. I’m terrified. I keep thinking that these will be the last normal days and then my mammogram will show BC. As much as I want to cancel, I know I can’t. Im seeing a therapist and trying to not obsess over this, trying to accept uncertainty but am really worried. It’s the randomness of the pain and the fact that it’s only one side that is concerning me. Thanks for reading

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Breast pain - terrified


    Please let us know how the mammo goes. I will keep my fingers crossed,, but if your doctor thought you can easily wait for your regular mammogram, I belive you will be just fine. They do not take any chances with these things. Sending you love, Lana

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Re: Breast pain - terrified

    Thank you Lana!

    Im going to try focussing on that - my dr is very thorough.

    Appreciate your kind words!

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