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Thread: Low heart rate (driving me nuts)

  1. #11

    Re: Low heart rate (driving me nuts)

    It could also be a blood pressure thing. It's usually after I get up or sit down, and then I notice the heart rate.

    I'm very interested in losing weight, I don't really have much time or money to facilitate nutritionists and therapists. Not private at least. I could probably get a referral (which means it would be free in the UK) - they take many months to get though.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Low heart rate (driving me nuts)


    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

    This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

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  3. #13

    Re: Low heart rate (driving me nuts)

    Quote Originally Posted by serith View Post
    Isn't that a normal heart rate? -- actually a very good one, considering how heavy you are.
    Well, it can very often dip below 60 (resting). But it's mainly the chest pain and shortness of breath that makes my life difficult

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Low heart rate (driving me nuts)

    I agree that it is the repeated checking that is making your life hell. Stop checking the devices. Weight loss will address most of your concerns.

    You don't need money or an appointment to lose weight. The formula is simple and cheap:

    1. Mouth Hole: Less food in
    2. Whole Body: More movement

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Low heart rate (driving me nuts)

    Quote Originally Posted by ethan2003 View Post
    It could also be a blood pressure thing. It's usually after I get up or sit down, and then I notice the heart rate.

    I'm very interested in losing weight, I don't really have much time or money to facilitate nutritionists and therapists. Not private at least. I could probably get a referral (which means it would be free in the UK) - they take many months to get though.
    'Eat less, exercise more'. It should be that simple but it isn't always the case.

    I don't have a very healthy relationship with food (2 historic eating disorders, an exercise addiction, and I am generally prone to comfort eating so I have to constantly keep myself in check) so one of the first things I'd be asking is what your eating habits are. Do you comfort eat? Eat out of boredom? Do you understand hunger pain signals? What was your eating pattern as you were growing up? Was it ok to leave food or were you encouraged to eat everything on your plate, and then some. (Some parents/guardians, especially mother figures, equate food with love and children carry this on into adult life). Is it a body image problem? (You don't have to answer any of these, by the way, it's just something for you to think about).

    I presume there's no medical reason for your weight (underactive thyroid etc) so we're probably looking at a psychological issue, and this means that you need to work on your thinking as well, rather than just focusing on calories and exercise. (You need to change your relationship with food itself)

    Does any of this make sense?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Low heart rate (driving me nuts)

    Quote Originally Posted by ethan2003 View Post

    I'm very interested in losing weight, I don't really have much time or money to facilitate nutritionists and therapists.
    Absurd excuse.

    Just stop eating crap, eat whole foods and massively reduce carbs. It's impossible not to lose weight in that way and it costs LESS money than you're spending on food now. It IS actually that simple even taking comfort/emotional eating into account. You have to decide if you want to be fat and sick, or slim and healthy.

    For the record, losing weight is 80-90% diet. Exercise is a poor method for losing weight, but a great method for overall health and cardiovascular function. Walking is ideal, and also free.

    If I can do it in my 50s, so can you.

  7. #17

    Re: Low heart rate (driving me nuts)

    Quote Originally Posted by Flapj View Post
    I agree that it is the repeated checking that is making your life hell. Stop checking the devices. Weight loss will address most of your concerns.

    You don't need money or an appointment to lose weight. The formula is simple and cheap:

    1. Mouth Hole: Less food in
    2. Whole Body: More movement
    Thank you for the reply. I think it's obvious I have a phycological issue with losing weight as well as keeping myself in check when concerning myself with health problems. It's very easy to not eat food, but it's also just as easy to pick it back up when in a stressful situation. I think we all know it's a vicious circle. The weight's causing me problems, the problems cause stress, the stress causes me to care less about myself and consume whatever comfort I can achieve in that moment of time. I don't believe movement is an issue, I work a manual laborious job (JCB) and I'm constantly running around and pushing/lifting heavy things. It's the food that's my issue, specifically snacks.

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